Thursday, December 30, 2021

Yes or No Questions

From a recent post by Jon Pavlovitz...

I’d love to talk with Mr. Schmeck and the rest of the #LGB crowd and find out what exactly Joe Biden has done to them to inspire such expletive-laden rage. 

How has he specifically harmed them? 

What precisely are the injuries they have sustained at his hands to merit this unprecedented public disgust? 

Has he denied or downplayed the existence of a pandemic and willfully killed hundreds of thousands of people? 

Has he ever incited his followers to engage in an act of domestic terrorism to overthrow the government and overturn an election? 

Has be berated reporters, coddled dictators, opposed medical experts, insulted women, or repeatedly misled the American people in nonsensical, rambling press conferences?

I put these yes or no questions to conservative apologists who read my blog daily. Responding with any variation of “NO YOU” supports the core assertions of this article.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Coming Criminal Referral for Donald J. Trump

Up until this point in time, Trump and his supporters have enjoyed a lot of mollycoddling from Congress and the DOJ. They have thumped their chests and stuck out their chin in adolescent defiance of our country's democratic institutions. And in a very "beer hall putsch" kind of style. 

That time is likely coming to an end for them.

It's been quite pleasant to see the insurrectionists and traitors going to jail for their involvement in the January 6th attempted coup. Some are in jail for years for their criminality. Others will soon follow.

One of them is going to be Donald J. Trump.

I'm thinking 8 years for him. 

And this would be why Liz Cheney keeps repeating the letter of this law in conjunction with Trump. 

Monday, December 27, 2021