Friday, February 23, 2007

The Funnies

I think I have put just about every typical section of a newspaper up here over the years: news, sports, entertainment, and opinion (obviously). Saving the weather for another time, I thought I would share a comic that I saw the other day in the City Pages. If you can't read it, click on the picture and it take you to page where can view it in a larger size

It has been two days since I saw it and I am still laughing about it.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I love Tom Tomorrow. I read it every week in the City Pages. This would be more funny if it weren't so sadly true.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

  3. The difference between the youtube spot you put up here and my cartoon is the Republicans have actually said those things and Democrats have never talked mowing the lawns of Osama bin Laden.

    In fact, Howard Dean has gone on record several times as saying we need to bomb Al Qaeda safe houses in Pakistan. Tom Murtha, John Kerry, and a host of other Democrats have said the same things. My question to you, Joe, is why haven't we done that?

    Another question, why haven't we punished Saudi Arabia? After all 15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers came from there. And didn't President Bush say that it was OK to sell our port management system to the United Arab Emirates, where 2 of the 15 hijackers came from?

    Rather than falling back on tired old rhetoric about the Democrats, why don't you spend your time answering these questions and then, I think, you will be able to get a clearer picture of why we have terrorists that want to attack us.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I will also add that the Bush administration recently negotiated an agreement with North Korea that will give them oil and food in exchange for their suspension of their nuclear program. This is virtually the same program that Clinton put forward.

    Keep it up, Joe, with your bullshit propaganda. We are only about a step away from being exactly like the people we are trying to stop. There are other ways to be strong and defend our interests, you know, but that would require some thought, a wide scope of vision, and being beyond the emotional maturity of a third grader.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    What is the vission, then? Come on, thrill me with your acumen.
    Yacking, yack....That's all I hear from Washington. "...we need a plan"..."we need a vission..."...yada, yada, yada...but nobody actually says anything definitive.

    The North Korea deal is as bad as the first. ...simple extortion; no different than a hold-up man.

    Saudi Arabia? What about 'em? I'd have no problem putting them on the terrorist nation list or worse. ...they are, after all a terrorist nation. But you're a blind fool if you think GW is the first president in bed with them. But, I suspect you're a blind fool anyway.
