
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Understand My Frustration Now?


Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to think what other countries think when they see our president speak. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are a bunch of corn fed morons.

Anonymous said...


This "posting" is disappointing, even for you.

Mark Ward said...

Why? Because I expect my president to fulfill one of the most important qualifications of being our leader: public speaking?

Everyone agrees that George Bush is the worst "public speaker" president we have ever had...and this is from people that voted for him. The fact that people then excuse this proves my point exactly: neocons will excuse and explain away any fault that Bush has.

Anonymous said...

I can't even watch the man speak anymore. He mangles the English language and makes our country look like we are a bunch of fools.

It's embarassing.

Anonymous said...

No argument on the public speaking position. I simply think that once again you have chosen an entirely inappropriate means of expressing that opinion.

For starters, you take a clip from an unfunny, parasitic hack whose only role is to sit back and poke fun at people's foibles.

Secondly, the very clip itself is ludicrous. Yes, let's take two quotes from Presidential speeches that were written and delivered in the context of being great, historical speeches and let's juxtapose those against a generic speaking mistake from GWB. How very clever! Further, let's disregard the fact that the two great speeches were, in fact, delivered by Presidents that had more than their fair share of failures, debacles, and missteps during their own watches, all of which are overlooked simply because you view these men in a favorable light.

Lastly, let's draw from said bogus comparison bogus conclusions, and get your lackeys to do the same, about what everybody else in the world must be thinking of us.

Enough already. We get the fact that you hate GWB. If you don't have any more of your insane conspiracy theories or comical factoids about how conservatives are ruining this country then why waste our time with this drivel?