Thursday, May 10, 2007

Presidential Profiles #7: Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee used to be fat. Really fat. In fact, he was so fat that he couldn't walk up the steps to his office when he was Governor of Arkansas without stopping several times to catch his breath. In 2002, he was diagnosed with diabetes which was largely due to his obesity. So he went on a diet.

He lost 110 pounds.

Now, I am not one for "Oprah moments" but looking at the man to the left, all I can say is.....YOU GO GIRL!! Since that time he has become an advocate for a healthier America, citing it as one of our biggest concerns, and trying to increase awareness about how bloody awful for you the food is in this country. And boy do we need it. In addition to becoming extremely lazy and apathetic, we have become fat. Have you seen some of the porkers waddling around lately?

So, this simple fact alone regarding Mike Huckabee is deserving enough for my respect. It's hard to go on a diet and lose that much weight. It requires a great deal of self control, which I feel is a very admirable trait. I recently watched an interview with him on Bill Maher, in which he said, "America's biggest problem is that we think that, as a Christian nation, we are superior to everyone. We are not. People that truly believe in Jesus know that he was not a conqueror but a man of peace who humbly asked for people to follow him." Well, he should know. In addition to being the Governor of Arkansas, he is also a Baptist Minister.

He recently authored a book entitled From Hope to Higher Ground: 12 Stops to Restoring America's Greatness. Go buy it here. In the book, he recommends, among other things, that Americans should listen to more music and less talk radio, do volunteer work, and have regular conversations with people of other ethnic, religious, or political backgrounds. The general tone of the book is optimistic about our country and contains, not the politics of divisiveness, but of unity. Yes, he is a creationist, pro-life, and rabidly anti gay. Based on what he has said and written, however, I don't think his personal views are going to negatively factor into his policies, which are largely based on simple kindness.

For that reason, I score Mike Huckabee at a B, slightly higher than Kucinich because his position on the Middle East calls for a more active approach to eliminating terror as a tactic in the region. Being active, though, does not necessarily mean military engagement. The time he spent traveling around the world and spreading the word of God broadened his vision of other cultures. In other words, he has intellectual curiosity and lawdy, lawdy, lawdy...we need some of that mojo.

Friday: Bill Richardson


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    It’s clear from the previous rounds that you treat even your own friends in a terribly shoddy manner and aren’t interested in dialogue. That’s too bad. I thought you were making good progress toward articulate & reasoned debate. I’ll leave you to the choir.

    Note: I assume you’ll conclude w/ Obama as the “A”. I’ll simply say, I hope you’re right. An Obama candidacy will be the surest way to another conservative presidency.

  2. Uh, Dave....some people aren't open to reasoned debated. Every thing I have said about Crab, I have said about myself...especially in this last round...and he has said about me. I've admitted I've been wrong about several things on here...he has told me that he will never admit that he is wrong or will ever change his mind. So, what I am supposed to do with that?

    Regardless, I have appreciated your posts and new open mind.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Alright, what is going on here? First of all, a baptist minister? Markadelphia, you are losing more and more of my respect everyday. The man is a bigot and wants to fry gay people.

    And somehow the conservatives that post here think you "aren't interested in dialogue" when you are writing posts like this? must really stink to be you.

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Dave, I think you need to go back and read the original post that all this as about. Truth Girl responded to all of Crab's comments, after he griped about it, and then proceded to bring up some stuff she found out. He refused to accept any of it. I think Mark called him on it recently and had some fun with it. Big Deal. Crab is on record here as saying "that it's no fun to agree" so he purposely disagrees with everyone for the love of the debate. That's fine, but only when he is dishing it out. He can't take it and goes off and pouts like a baby. I think you are being too harsh on Mark. They both treat each other shoddily. It's a two way street.

    I disagree with pretty much everything Mark puts on here. I am lifelong Republican and will probably never vote for a Democrat. The reason why Crab is so angry about most of Mark's barbs is because there is truth to a lot of it. I'm embarassed to be a Republican these days. We used to be much more honest, responsible, and fiscally prudent. If you want to take away Mark's ammo, start by helping me fix what's wrong with our party.

    Also, please stick around. I like your posts, especially your long one about liberals vs. conservatives in a civil war. It was hilarious and spot on!

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Iowa kid, by no means am I the first one to stop debating Mark. The list is goes beyond this blog, back to 2003 and before that as well and it's not just conservatives on that list. Mark will even admit to you in person, as he did to me over a pint, that one of his faults lies in not being able to see other points of view.

    Go to the Mitt Romney thread - I wasn't even debating the specifics of the Canadian Health Care System in the "Support the troops" thread. I thought we were debating something else entirely. The Canadian health care system has good things and bad things about it. Go read my detailed plan in the Romney thread and see what I've accepted and what I haven't.

    Dude, I've taken it and dished it out for over 2 years on this blog.

    If you knew me in person, you'd know exactly which one of us (Mark or I) is the angry one. Ain't me, trust me on that.

    Oh yeah, don't leave Dave.

  6. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Dave, what do you care what markadelphia says or does to last in line? He seems to treat you with plenty of respect.

    You know, some people would consider having their blog in a folder marked "the bad guys" as shoddy treatment but I take that as being all in good fun just like "the bitch slap" comment was meant to be. You are a little hypocritical just because last in line happens to agree with you.

    Last in Line, I do know you in person as well as markadelphia. Both of you are angry young men. Well, in mark's case, he is an angry middle aged man.
