Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Big Beef

My other problem with Sicko is the trip to Cuba at the end. Why? If it were my film, I would've taken them to Canada instead. Or France, which would've really pissed off the conservatives. I mean, that's what he spends the whole film talking about, right? How great Canada, the UK and France are with health care? Taking them to Cuba is trading one corrupt leader for another.

I am soooo sick and tired of people like Sean Penn, Harry Belafonte, and Danny Glover meeting with people like Hugo Chavez. They spend their days ripping Bush for being corrupt and then turn around and meet the same fucking thing with open arms. It's hypocritical and ultimately self defeating as it makes them as much the fool as President Bush.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    With you on this one. I have been to Venezuella three times and it is a shithole with that little pygmie reaping all the wealth. No difference between him and Bush. Hollywood types should just stay out it.
