Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Week of Dick

This week, I thought I would spotlight our Vice President. Each day I am going to put up a short post and/or video which will illustrate the glory, the power and the passion of Dick.It is my hope that kicking off the week with this video from 1994 will really get the ball rolling in the right direction.

I want to go on record and say that I am in complete agreement with everything Dick says in this clip. Not a hoax. Not a joke. Bobby Ewing will not be coming out of the shower and it’s all a dream.

This video is real and I stand with my Vice President shoulder to shoulder.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    What a piece of shit this douchebag is...well, I guess this just proves that he knew all along what would happen in Iraq but he didn't care.

  2. That seals it, I'm officially a lesbian now because I HATE DICK!

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    In the words of John McEnroe...YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!! This is everything that people with brains have been saying for the last four years and here is Cheney saying it 13 years ago?

    Did he know this would happen and he went ahead and did it anyway?

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Where did you find this? I would laugh if it weren't so depressing and true.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Well, assholes, I'm back from my summer solstice and I can see that the idiocy is still running rampant.

    Who cares what Cheney said in 1994? It's the year 2007, that's six years after 9-11, folks, so the whole world has changed since then. 9-11 is why his points mean nothing now.

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    "People with brains"

    Vheights, I have no problem laughing at people who get themselves worked up into a hissy over politics.

  7. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Well he served as veep for Haliburton and I guess he needed more $$$$$!

  8. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Dave’s Quote of the Day:
    “I’m a longtime member of a pretty select group: the Dick Cheney Fan Club. Chapters gather in phone booths, refrigerator boxes, and, at the annual convention, we take up three whole booths in the back of a nearby Arby’s.”
    …Perfect…and pretty much sums up my stance in regards to the VP. Kudos to you, VPOTUS!

  9. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Mark, you are turning me into a Democrat!

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I agree with Sarge. The world is a different place since 9-11. We know now that the Islamist fascist wants to institute Sharia law on our planet and it is up to stop them. That is why we are in Iraq.

  11. Anonymous3:10 PM

    That is NOT the reason why we are in Iraq. Rev, you are a victim.

  12. Anonymous10:41 AM

    A victim of what exactly?

  13. Hey Dave,

    What is your beef with Cheney exactly?

  14. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I don't have a beef w/ him at all. In fact, I can't think of anything negative about him at all right now...course I've not have enough coffee yet this morning.
