Thursday, September 27, 2007

Chris Rock about the War on Terror

Joanne Tucker sent me this hilarious video of Chris Rock. Finally, all is explained!


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    While I find this to be amusing, there is some truth to the distractions that are set up by the MSM (mainstream media).

    They want to keep us looking the other way.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    just wanted to say, i don't condone the extreme swearing in rock's sketches (which has kinda become the commercialised cultural norm in late night talk shows, hosts or guests - not to mention movies rated 15+ with tonnes of swearing &/or irrelevant sex) but i find the ESSENCE of a lot of the jokes, to be meaningful (as Carlos points out one such truth above.)

    Rock would be just as effective with less of the gratuitous gangsta rap lingo, as is anyone who makes you think - and backs it up.

    Anyone remember Rock in the comic sketch in 'Bowling for Columbine'?? Keep the guns man, he said, just make the bullets %^&*$ expensive. Imagine if a bullet cost $5000 bucks instead of 5 cents a pop at Walmarts, you'd have a guy about to kill someone say ' Man, I'd f-ing blow your brains out... if i could afford to! '

    Personally, i'd be a hypocrite to say i'd necessarily want ALL bullets to cost $5 thousand bucks -- but FOR SURE, a helluva lot more checks + balances, would be an excellent idea.

    Comedians point out the ridiculous gaps and ironies in policies or politicians, which is why Jon Stewart may be the only News more than half of 25 year olds watch in America. More power to them, if they make us think where mainstream media leaves our brains at the door.

  3. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Ah yes, the mysterious "they." You people are morons.

  4. Anonymous10:22 PM

    possibly. but in this case 'they' refers to the comedians. so, thanks for reading me (a person, as opposed to 'you people') and not understanding me (or, as is most unusual, assuming too much and according to the world according to the sarge..)
