Friday, July 04, 2008

Ed Schultz Opens Up A Can

Normally, I chuckle at all the pundits bickering with each other and I am not the biggest fan of Ed Schultz (McCain is not a war monger) but this clip is fucking money! One very good thing that has come out of the last eight years...especially the last four that the left isn't going to let the right define them any more. Especially in sub moronic and immature way that Cliff May tries to do here.

I say tries because he utterly fails. I really hope the right keeps trying to do this for two reasons. First, it continues to prove that they have a child like understanding of that region of the world. Second, it gives the left a chance to show the country that every time the right pulls this shit, rather than shrinking back like frightened mice, they are going to come back heavy, like a big hard fucking horse cock.

So, please, righties, keep it up! (Pun fully intended)


  1. Anonymous3:11 PM

    There is no way your cock is that big. The video clip was funny though.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This is the kind of attitude liberals should have had all along. I always talk to conservatives like this. They usually look at me with a shocked face because they can't believe liberals are "tough."

    They are about to find out how tough we are.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I believe that just dave made a comment down below in another post--something about Mark and his "followers" not wanting to be seen waving the flag and singing fighting songs--dave, meet Ed Schultz. Listen to what he says here and consider it an example or a warning of more to come if you continue to question the left's patriotism. Your arrogance in assuming that the conservative viewpoint is the only patriotic one will be your side's undoing in the end.

  4. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Does anybody else find it interesting that Schultz is so busy shouting-down Cliff May that he misses enormous opportunities to be the bigger man and actually handle the exchange with something resembling class?

    Now I didn't catch the entire context of the exchange between these guys, but it's certainly clear that raising an issue like "some liberals want us to lose in Iraq" is beyond the realm of good taste. However, because I respect Markadelphia and his keen eye for fact so much, I will mention that Cliff May's observation is, indeed, a fact.

    I notice that Ed Schultz's reaction is extraordinarily similar to reactions that Markadelphia and the yippy dogs are so quick to decry. He redirects rather than answering, and he shouts-down rather than engaging in conversation. The irony that you would celebrate this behavior in Ed Schultz is delicious!

    I would humbly offer that perhaps a better approach for Mr. Schultz, and a better example for y'all to celebrate, would be to acknowledge that although there are those who are liberal in belief that do support such radical opinions they do not speak for the candidate or the majority of the Democratic party. (or do they?) Those who support such radical opinions are entitled to those opinions as Americans, but do not represent the (alleged) strength and patriotism of the Democratic party.

    I know such an approach would be asking a lot of political pundits these days, and apparently it's also asking a lot of you guys not to wallow in the filth. In the end, is it any wonder why "news" channels continue to stage such confrontations? It clearly caters to the lowest common denominator of our society.

  5. Anonymous8:39 PM

    PL,please...I know you are trying to be clever but let's remember who has been defining the political landscape for the last years. It is not liberals. I respect most of your opinions and do agree with you that there are plenty of nutballs on the left but they are not the policymakers and central to the party-as they are on the right.

    Just Dave, I re-read your comments below and I am anxious to hear Mark's response because you clearly have no grasp of any facts regarding Al Qaeda at all. In fact, you prove Mark's point that people on your side of the aisle have a child like understanding of the region.

    Bad guys? Do you think this is a comic book or a video game?

  6. Anonymous7:04 AM


    I don't even understand what you just posted in response to me, so I'll assume that it's somehow relevant and that it's beyond my ability to comprehend. In attempting to contradict my point you seemed instead to reiterate several points that I made myself. Having said that, if I didn't know better, I would read into your post that you are suggesting that because the Repubs in charge for the last 8 years have been shitty people it gives license to the Dems attempting to take power to be shitty people. Can this really be the attitude of this supposed "new era of politics"? Seems like just more of the seem to me.

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Of course, by "more of the seem" I meant "more of the same". I really am an idiot.

  8. Anonymous8:38 AM

    A loud voice does not a good argument make. May speared him w/ “how will we win if don’t have troops there” and Schultz had no retort except to yell even louder and then go on to verify May’s point by listing off not how we’d win, but why we can’t/shouldn’t be there. Funny.

    Sorry, ladies; I just call ‘em like I see ‘em.

  9. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Quit being so observant and quit making so much sense pl. They always seem to justify their idiotic behavior by claiming they are right. The behavior is the behavior, period. Lowest common denominator indeed.
