Thursday, August 07, 2008

Guv Says Buh-Bye to VP Slot

Well, I guess Governor Pawlenty decided he didn't want to be McCain's VP after all. Senator Obama was in Minnesota yesterday and, when asked to comment on him, the Guv said the following

Say what you will about Barack Obama, people gravitate when you have something positive to say. People want to follow hopeful, optimistic, civil, decent leaders. They don't want to follow some negative, scornful person.

Hmm...sound like he is describing the latest round of McCain ads when he says "negative and scornful person."

I don't agree with our Governor often but he is dead on right here!


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Naw, he was talking about Jeremiah Wright!!!!

  2. Timmy's hope to be a heartbeat away from the presidency fell victim to electoral math. TPaw was never going to get the nod because there was no way he was going to bring with him the delegates from the midwest (much less the state that he barely won for himself).

    Only if he could win MN for the republicans, bring home WI and the Dakotas, and maybe even make an dent in IA THEN he's the #2 man on the ticket, but that's just a dream (albeit a wet dream) for McCain.

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This doesn't necessarily mean anything. It could mean that the campaign needs a good cop and a bad cop. It could mean Pawlenty will wave his magic wand and change his tune, and the faithful will pretend he never said that. It could mean that he's trying to sound reasonable, and then when Obama commits some cooked-up atrocity Pawlenty can sound shocked and disappointed that Obama has fallen so far.

    Given the way Republicans have chosen their vice presidents in recent years (Quayle? Quayle?? And Cheney was in charge of the veep selection process; after a long hard search finally found himself), all I can conclude is that there is nothing they will not stoop to.

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Old John Edwards is probably out of the running too I'm guessing. Speaking of stooping to new lows blk, how about screwing around on ones wife when she has cancer? Now the media can probably report on this story, something they avoided doing. New York Times goes front page with the mccain allegation a few months ago but not a peep on this. Typical.


  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "how about screwing around on ones wife when she has cancer?"

    Um...Newt Gingrich?

    I agree, though, it is a low but I did see it on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox all day on Friday.

  6. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Newt isn't running for president and hasn't been in office or even relevant for a decade. Perhaps the next name you come up with could be a Roman emperor or something newer than 14 years ago. Besides, you libs can't say anything because you spent the entire late 90's telling people that this stuff is their private life and it doesn't affect their ability to govern so save your fake outrage over newt. Yeah, all day on FRIDAY even though they knew about it for 2 months. NYT had a front page story on a flimsy allegation with mccain a couple months ago that never panned out in the end and didn't mention edwards until now. The mistress also lives in a multi millin dollar house and she has no job. Edwards has been paying her $15,000 a month.
