
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

And The Left is Naive?

I popped over to Kevin Baker's blog to see what was new and I found this little commentary, intermixed between the hyper paranoia of what a Barack Obama presidency would mean, on Barack Obama's speech last week. The first line, in blue, is from Obama's speech. The next bit, in red, is the commentary.

For over two decades, (McCain’s) subscribed to that old, discredited Republican philosophy, give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else.

No, it isn't given to them and they aren't "lucky." The vast majority of "the ones with the most" earned it through ingenuity, risk-taking, hard work and sacrifice - and they are the business owners, large and small, that employ the bulk of Americans - asshole

No. Absolutely wrong and a complete fucking myth. A myth that has been put forth by the top 1 percent through its cronies in the media (especially the right wing media). I still can't figure out this nauseating hero worship of wealthy, conservative business owners, the MAJORITY of which got their money through pathological criminal behavior. I have been told by several posters here and elsewhere that I am just jealous and should get over it. It's simply not true. Money is not all that important to me.If anything, given the adulation that is showered upon people like this by many conservatives, it is they that are the jealous ones.

Ingenuity, risk taking and sacrifice? While I am sure there are some people in the top one percent who fit this description, it certainly is not common.

Seriously, what fucking country do these people live in?


Anonymous said...

They live in idiot land. I have been sucking the corporate cock for 11 years now and the people that run my company have never worked an honest day in their fucking life.

Anonymous said...

Ditto. People who believe what was written in red probably also believe silly things like there is an old man with a beard who lives in the sky.

Oh wait, they do.

Hey, Mark. I don't really have the time to look but wasn't there a study done recently about the similarities between criminals and corporate officers? I know I heard something awhile back.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, yeah... ...guess someone had an extra helping of class envy this morning. (Let me know what that magic number is so that, Lord willing, if I ever make that much money, I'll know the exact point I became a criminal.)

Since there's no news to comment on (Nope, pretty quiet here in St. Paul), I thought I’d post up a few links to some funny vids.

This is kind’ve from the left, but let’s face it, this if funny…

Jib/Jab is great. Their take on Bush/Kerry is probably one of the funniest ever & the one on Madeleine Albright is good too, but this isn’t bad.

RNC (oh yeah, there is some news going on…). My little brother is a St. Paul cop and was in this unit that these street punks (oh, sorry, liberal activists) decided it would be a good idea to attack. See how each team fared in this little clip.

Sign of the day at the convention from the Indiana contingent: “Hoosiers for the hot chick!”

Anonymous said...

just dave

Kudos, once again, for proving and completely missing Mark's point

Anonymous said...

Well, maybe you’re right. Let me re-read this…
Uh, huh…
Uh, huh…
Nope, I think I got it just right, thanks.

When someone says, "the MAJORITY of which got their money through pathological criminal behavior" in reference to successful businessmen, well, there's not really too much gray area there to misconstrue the point.

Mark’s either completely crackers, got a big ol’ case of class envy or was just a bit to amped up after finishing his new copy of “The Communist Manifesto” to think up a topic for today’s blog. Too close to call, really.

Anonymous said...

I bet if you ask markadelphia about all the rich people he knows, he'll say they all earned their money the right way. It's just all those people that are being successful. Businesses work to make a profit and anyone who knows business knows that many of the people who make six figures at many companies are the salespeople, who start out with a salary of 0 and work their way up and only get paid on commission. Yeah torch, John Edwards earned all his money right? He sued 1 doctor. Why don't you provide some specific numbers markadelphia as to this majority you speak of.

Anonymous said...

It might be interesting to have an actual discussion about building wealth - and how much is too much. But it has to be a discussion that isn't based on moral judgement - either the old Catholic view (wealth is bad unless donated to the church) or the Jewish/Protestant notion that wealth is evidence of God's beneficence. Supposedly secular lefties really need to move off that Catholic dogma.

Mike W. said...

"I still can't figure out this nauseating hero worship of wealthy, conservative business owners, the MAJORITY of which got their money through pathological criminal behavior."

You've got to be fucking kidding me Mark! The MAJORITY of wealthy business owners got their money through criminal behavior?(and only the Conservatives...)

Got anything, anything at all to backup such a patently absurd statement?