Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Clever and Fiendish Plot

Yesterday, MN-06 Rep Michelled Bachmann offered what is probably the best we are going to get, in the way of an apology, in regards to her comments about Barack Obama having anti American views. She said she was wrong for what she said but that it was a "trap" laid by evil media liberal Chris Matthews and she made the mistake of walking into to it.

Notice, once again, how we see that it is never the fault of the conservative entirely. Oh no. That can't ever be possible. There is always someone else to blame (see: the non victim victim culture of douche bag land) in this case the liberal media.

Take a look at the clip below. Her comments come 5 minutes and 34 seconds into the interview. Tell me exactly how she walked into a trap. She was excited and...dare I say it...jubilant at the idea of answering Matthews' question.

So much for a group of people that tauts taking responsibility for their actions.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    You know something Markadelphia, you're always focused on hateful, divisive words and actions.

    GOP headquarters vandalized in TN, a liberal CONVICTED of making molitov cocktails to use at police as well as people attending the RNC, and other random vandalism. Is this the base of your party? You come on here and say people are hateful, horrible, ignorant, bitter, douche bags, angry, and it's the other side who are dividing people? Let me guess, you think that you are right so it's ok for you to engage in the juvenile behavior you seem to champion.

  2. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Taxpayer, please. Your list is insulting. I'm sure you could find a list even longer of these incidents. The question is are they organized into a large group with a clear agenda of hate and divisiveness as we see the current form of the Republican Party?

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    sara, please grow up.

    Let's take the two favorite conspiracy theories of the left and right - voter suppression and ACORN destroying democracy respectively. There's about as much truth in either accusation, which is to say damn little. If you tout one and downplay the other you are merely showing the most pathetic form of partisanship.

  4. Actually, juris the vote fraud that went on in 2000 and 2004 was very real...especially in 2000. The Republicans were basically doing what the Democrats had done for so long.

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    post your proof then. sara are you saying that markadelphia isn't divisive? Even if you agree with it, it's still divisive.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    If you'd like proof, SW, watch the Republican Convention in St. Paul. Watch the video clip of Michelle Bachmann on Hardball. Pick up any piece of Republican literature.

    Then look at what Mark has written on here, which basically calls them on their bullshit. That's not being divisive. It's being honest.

  7. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sadly, sw, I have to agree with Sara. Long time no talk, Mark. You probably heard I have been having health issues. Hey, when are you going to move to Iowa to help me out around the house? Hee Hee.

    The Republican Party I know and love has been replaced by angry, stupid people like Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. If we had just stuck to the issues, like Obama wanting to spread the wealth vis a vis Joe the Plumber, we might have had a chance. Instead we let divisive people shout over us sane ones.

    Mark might be short sighted in the fact that Iowa is a much nicer place to live in Minnesota but he has been right all along about the current state of politics.

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'm asking for proof of voter fraud in 2000 and 2004. google your little hearts away. calling someone a hateful, horrible, ignorant, bitter, angry douche bag is just an opinion, typical that you can't tell the difference between fact and opinion. try posting more than insults sara. you all condemn it then you engage in the same rhetoric.
