Thursday, November 06, 2008

From the Notes From The Front Middle East Bureau....

Our Girl Friday posted this in comments. I wanted to bring it out front.

May God Bless America, and you Mr new President . . who are the peoples' choice and with your new team, their hope for a reality, truth & humanity based, better future.

Amen, soul sister.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    i was gonna send you an email marko :) but my outlook is being ultra weird and not recognising your mail address! :| :) i'll fix..

    i just wanted to say, 1./ President Bush said (two days ago.. in a kind of farewell address to his staff at the Rose Garden.. he was quintessentially Bush:"Cute" and original.)

    After saying a few things that sounded like they could only come from a Jon Stewart take of him, he said.. 'May God Bless you all..' That's the first time, I'd heard Bush precede God with 'May' and it was refreshing. Humble. Rather than command God, he was asking Him. Bush was feeling vulnerable and was quite sweet throughout. I honestly think he thinks he's a Man of Peace. Wars for Peace.

    2./ I promise i will read your wonderful words and get back to you. i can not describe my month.. Things are definitely looking up :) Thank you for calling me soul sister :) that is deeply sweet.

    3./ it's my birthday tomorrow! unimportant and completely irrelevant. i just wanted to throw that in. if i was in the us, i would call you on my b-day. that would be my present :)

    and finally, i know there are those who might be completely and utterly p-ed off that OB is going to be in charge (hey, the numbers would be much higher, if the tables were turned) but let's wait & judge OB by his actions... peace prosperity and unity in diversity... joanne.
