
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Really? Fox News?

Is Fox News jumping on the Obama bandwagon? Or are they center right like all of my conservative friends say they are?

I do know that Rush Limbaugh has called Karl Cameron a traitor now that this story has come out. So...a traitor is someone who calls out Sarah Palin for being ignorant?

Given this new information, I want to go on record here at Notes From the Front and say that I think that Sarah Palin should be the Republican nominee in 2012.

In fact, I am praying for it.


the pawnbroker said...

"I think that Sarah Palin should be the Republican nominee in 2012"

yeah, baby, yeah...

soon as carter in blackface is done, and if America survives him.

"reagan in a skirt, 2012"


Anonymous said...

i love the way Fox's graphic is 'THE DAY AFTER' -- it's like the day after the night before... that never happened... but wait, it's real... the king of hangovers. sorry foxy but i'm wide awake and breathing fresh air and still smiling :) till demonstrated FACTS or otherwise (not fear) remove it from my face. joannet.

Dan said...

"Carter in blackface?" That is perhaps the most thoughtless, ignorant, bone-headed thing I have read here to date. Where the hell did that little piece of shit come from? If it originates with you, you should be ashamed. inflammitory, racist remarks like that have no place here or anywhere.

" and if America survives him."
This is where I point and laugh. This is the kind of irrational fear mongering that we've been writing about. America will indeed survive an Obama presidency. There's a good chance that we will, in fact, prosper and regain the good will of the rest of the world. We might even live up to the standards we should expect from a country as great as ours. W and his gang of thugs have certainly done what they could to bring America to her knees.

"Reagan in a skirt, 2012?" Yeah, right. We've already had a President with a room temperature IQ this century, two is too many. Nominate her at the party's peril. She will lose. We've seen how shallow Sarah Palin is. She hasn't got a prayer of becoming the President of the United States.

Anonymous said...

hey, you know i didnt even get 'carter in blackface' -- because it didnt even occur 2 me, that someone would be that, whats the word, silly... it just didn't make any sense when i read it.

'carter' is meant to be oooooooh, a major INSULT, because what? the man has principles and has been putting his fundraised millions and humanitarian actions & principles where his mouth is for 25 years+ since he left office? (so what if he made a few mistakes in office? that's not what mr whiteface is talking about, because he wouldn't actually know any details of the carter administration...)

mistakes carter might have made in office as a mortal being PALE in comparison to the warping of reality in mega death & destruction since 2000+, including the raping of the world's largest economy.

i think :| dan might be wrong though, about sarah palin making it to the top. she wants to be there. she's giving it her very best shot, having tasted national fame. and in america, it's not WHAT you know... it's usually, who you know and how you sell yourself. jt.