Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Side By Side

Here is a recent gem from comments

"If you want to insult a conservative, lie to him. If you want to insult a liberal, tell him the truth."

This got me to thinking about the truth...and facts of course...and then I thought about these two.

Fact One: At this time in George Bush's presidency, our country had suffered the worst attack in history on our home soil (9/11 Al Qaeda attack). We had also suffered an attack of domestic origin (the anthrax attacks). The men responsible for the 9-11 attacks, Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahari are still at large 8 years later. The man the FBI says carried out the anthrax attacks, Bruce Ivins, may not have actually done it...either alone or at all.

Fact Two: At this time in Barack Obama's presidency, our country has captured one major terrorist suspect (Najibullah Zazi) and several minor ones. All of these arrests were done, btw, without anyone being tortured or killed which I'm certain will be a giant boner softener for some on the right. There have been no attacks on our home soil.

Now, to be fair to George Bush, Barack Obama has benefited from increased knowledge in nabbing hirabis. But I can't help but wonder, given the insistence by the right that Bush made us safer and Obama has made us less safe, what truth they are looking at?

Which makes me realize that the statement above is complete fucking bullshit.

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