Monday, December 07, 2009

Anger, Hate,and Fear Part One (An Introduction)

Recently it came out that Bill Sparkman, the Kentucky census worker who was found hanging dead from a tree with the word "FED" scrawled across his chest, killed himself. I had written a column a while back that insinuated that he was killed by a right wing zealot. Thankfully, I was wrong.

It may come as a surprise to most of you but I really was happy to be wrong. The last thing this country needs is another threat. I don't want to see the base rise up and start a second civil war. We have enough problems to deal with right now. Unfortunately, my admission of being wrong in this particular case does not mean that the problem has gone away.

Last October, I wrote a column which explored this problem on a local level. In it, I mentioned the Southern Poverty Law Center report on the threat from various right wing hate groups. This report has since been used as an example, by the base, as to how they are being victimized by...well...all the people and groups that are always out to get them. Again, I will admit that this report certainly does have bias in it and standing on its own should not constitute much concern. Combined with the DHS report on right wing hate groups should cause some, but not monumental, concern. Combine both of these with the new report from the Anti Defamation League and I think it's clear that there is most assuredly a problem. Is it a threat, though?

One thing is clear. The next time someone from the base tries to tell you that there is just as much intolerance on the left, show them this report and ask them to produce a similar one on left wing groups. It doesn't exist. Why? Because, as was written in the first comment on regarding Thomas Frank's The Wrecking Crew, "one side of the battle continues to play the game as politics, as elections won or lost and citizens swayed or not, while the other side approaches it as an act of war, a no-holds-barred contest in which the only goal is the complete and utter destruction of the other side.

The report that the ADL has published is a very detailed summation of what has been going on in our country since Barack Obama was elected. If you look at their mission, one can see why they came out with this document.

From the ADL web site.

The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all." Now the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency, ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.

A leader in the development of materials, programs and services, ADL builds bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups, carrying out its mission through a network of 30 Regional and Satellite Offices in the United States and abroad.

Before all of you in the base haul off and call this a liberal-faggot operation who wants to take away my guns and Bible, bear in mind that most of the ADL criticisms come from people like Noam Chomsky, CAIR, and the Nation of Islam. The latter are not surprising but the first certainly is and Chomsky's not the only liberal who rips the ADL on a regular basis. Essentially, the ADL get shit from everyone which means, in my opinion, they are probably doing something right.

For the entire week (unless something major happens), I will be examining this report and urge all of you to do the same. It will completely lay to rest any sort of notion that the left has as much anger, hate and fear as the current form of the base does. It will also show that right, sadly, sees people on the left within the confined context that they see themselves and the world around them. Their frame of reference is so skewed that they can't possibly begin to grasp that a) what they are espousing is terribly destructive and b) their "opponents" don't operate as they do.

In looking at the introduction, A Year of Growing Animosity, a few things jump out at me.

What characterizes this anti-government hostility is a shared belief that Obama and his administration actually pose a threat to the future of the United States. Some accuse Obama of plotting to bring socialism to the United States, while others claim he will bring about Nazism or fascism. All believe that Obama and his administration will trample on individual freedoms and civil liberties, due to some sinister agenda, and they see his economic and social policies as manifestations of this agenda. In particular anti-government activists used the issue of health-care reform as a rallying point, accusing Obama and his administration of dark designs ranging from “socialized medicine” to “death panels,” even when the Obama administration had not come out with a specific health care reform plan. Some even compared the Obama administration’s intentions to Nazi eugenics programs.

Essentially, what they are saying here is that these groups operate solely on the emotions of anger, hate and fear. There is no logic whatsoever to these central points mentioned above.

At rallies and public events around the country, as well as across the Internet, President Obama is being painted as someone intent on destroying American culture and values. He is portrayed as “the other,” a dangerous foreign element in the United States.

Ironic, that is actually them that seems to be intent on doing so. Worse still, is the "left" in this country doesn't seem to get how serious they are about their feelings hence the reason why everyone should read The Wrecking Crew.

The anti-government anger encompasses a large portion of the right side of the political spectrum. It emanates from mainstream groups and politicians, but also from undeniably extreme groups and individuals, such as the suddenly resurgent militia movement. Together these individuals and groups form a continuum of anti-government fervor, with few sharp divisions or distinctions.

Basically, what I have been saying all along.

This hostile wave of anti-Obama anger and paranoid anti-government conspiracy theories goes well beyond mere transgressions of civil political discourse. Anti-government agitators launch many attacks that do not merely disagree with government policies or positions, but rather attempt to delegitimize the government itself. Indeed, an increasing number of anti-government activists are convincing themselves, or have already done so, that the government is illegitimate.

Yep. And I still think it's going to get worse. Wait until the health care bill passes. Even though it will be terribly watered down and one giant blow job to the insurance industry, the emotional minds of the base will convince their "rational" minds that our country has turned into the former Soviet Union.

These growing beliefs threaten to create a large pool of people more susceptible to extreme anti-government conspiracy theories and even calls to resistance on the part of extremist groups and movements, such as the militia movement, which may grow as a result.

Grow into what, though?

Some of these notions have even percolated beyond extremist groups and movements into the mainstream. One example is the Appleseed Project (also known as the Revolutionary War Veterans Association), a marksmanship program that combines firearms training with historical/political lectures on the battles of Lexington and Concord in the Revolutionary War. Trainees are taught not only marksmanship but the idea that they are equivalent to the Revolutionary War patriots and might have to fight for their liberty in the near future.

Great. So in addition to being a communist, a socialist, a Marxist, and a fascist, President Obama is now King George.

And isn't it funny that these same people who claim to know the "real" meaning of the Constitution also know the "real" meaning of the Bible? I don't think it's a coincidence that the base is largely made up of people who FEEL this way.

Now that we have defined the general issue, in part two of this series I will be taking a look at the next how this anger, hate and fear has become specifically mainstream.


  1. It comes as no surprise that the government turns its jaundiced eye upon those who hate how large and intrusive it has grown.

  2. BTW - do the union thugs who beat up on Tea Partiers still view it as politics and not as war? Can you point to any political violence NOT instigated by the Left?
    This isn't a one-sided thing, Marky. The left is not solely made up of nice, tolerant, angels. Plenty of political violence on the Left. PETA, ELF, ALF, Ayers, Dohrn, Black Panthers, etc, etc, etc. When Jeremiah Wright stood up and screamed "God Damn America!" was that a message of love or hate?
    Get over yourself.

  3. juris imprudent8:44 PM

    I am not a member of "the base", but I seriously doubt the wonder of a benevolent, all-powerful govt - and hence I could be characterized as covered by the SPLC report. What a total crock of shit. And you eat it up M, you just eat it up.

    The SPLC is the left-wing answer to the John Birch Society.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Yes, Marky, living in LaLa land, aren't we? Hate is a subjective term in this case....but the "leftistas" are the only hate mongers today...but they "project" (a psych 101 term) that others are guilty to make themselves look and feel better, when in FACT, THEY, are the perpetrators.

    Its funny how the "leftistas", in particular on the leftista media (who are not doing the job under their Constitutional Right - you know which one that is, don't you?) keep calling the Tea Party Movement - you know the people that LIVE in and PREFER to live in the real world - violent...funny....been to two parties, and not one arrest, not eve one...te leftistas CANNOT say that....another thing, being the environmental whacknuts they are, always leave such a gross, nasty mess when they gather...

    You are, apparently, just like them....Grow Up...

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    And one more apparently don't don't have any idea what is REALLY going on around you? Most leftistas don't. You see, it is really simple...those of us ARE angry BECAUSE of letista policy that are in direct opposition to our Constitution, and subvert our rights as American Citizens.... We just don't like our government controlling every facet of our lives.

    Having built and sold two very technolgy successful companies in the last 15 years, I know just a little about REAL economics...apparently, you don't, so my opinion would be valid, and your opinions would be quite suspect.

    I am not going to waste my breath trying to explain it to you because if you can't see it, then you aren't worth the time and energy it takes to bring you into the real very clear, the majority of the US does NOT think like you and yours....and this blatent idiocy wil change in 2010. Bet on it.

  6. angus8:27 AM

    Well, anonymous, where's your report on the rising hate of the left in this country, hmm?

    By the way, the name "donald" is now available if you want to take it.

  7. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Different Anonymous, actually.
    But you're deflecting, anyway, and clearly incapable of telling one tone and set of opinions from another.

    ...which is one of the reasons I don't bother putting a handle on here. Even when we do give you two names you can't differentiate views - it's just "the other team."

    Consider that a test you failed.

  8. "Hate is a subjective term in this case....but the "leftistas" are the only hate mongers today...but they "project" (a psych 101 term) that others are guilty to make themselves look and feel better, when in FACT, THEY, are the perpetrators."

    And this would be why I don't waste my time engaging most people here. Mark shows everyone a duck and "anonymous" says, "But you are mistaken. It is, in fact, a water buffalo."

  9. Anonymous9:06 AM

    angus, you just, in fact, proved my point. Do I really need to report on the rising hate of letists? Its all around you, within our elected officials (and I use that term very loosely), in particular as of yesterday as case in point, the grand idiot harry reid, with his obtuse comments in chamber. He has his facts (which aren't) mixed see, MLK was a conservative republican...and the republicans are the ones that not only freed the slaves....but fought for the Civil Rights Act, not democrats...democrats didn't want the civil rights act passed....these are facts, check them yourself.

    This is the type of pathetic misguided pandering that creates hate...the left is guilty of. I don't hate, I am just terribly pissed off... In fact, if it weren't so serious, you people and your ideology would be comical...

    I am happy to have a debate of the realities of why we are were we are today...but your ideology would get in the way...libs have never done well with facts...

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    One added benefit to posting anonymously is that I get the joy of watching a clear partisan try and argue with the rest of the partisans here under the same "handle" I use, and laughing my ass off that none of you seem capable of distinguishing the difference in views.

    Which sort of proves my point awhile back about Mark, his ilk, and the sad little "your team" / "my team" games.

  11. Anonymous9:34 AM

    And, just to clarify here, I pretty much think the other Anonymous is nuts.

    See, if I have no problem saying liberals and leftists are nuts, because one of the characteristics of any group which isn't defined by its ideology but by the collective ideologies of its members is that its lunacy is directly a ratio of the total members against the number of lunatic members.

    It applies just as equally to "right wingers" ("rightists" just doesn't roll of the tongue, does it?).

    DINO / RINO are just cases of the No True Scotsman Fallacy (a fallacy of debate and definition rather than logic). I don't concern myself with them.

    I continue to call all of you damned idiots out on your partisan games because you absolutely continue to insist that group identity is indicative of individuals belonging to a group. You can't seem to grasp the concept of an individual outside of the two groups in your mindset, so you just relegate my (and others') views to either your team or the other team and characterize them with stereotypes or common attributes.

    Attributes and stereotypes, I should note, which are characteristic of the group, not the individual.

    How sad it is that I have to explain to people who call the politically correct team their own the issues in characterizing individuals by groups.

    Suppose this were not a game of political partisanship, where you're all apparently on the left and, by distinction, the rest of us automatically fall on the right, but instead one of race.

    Mark and his ilk are the "white" (I'm not going to piddle around with terminology here - we're all familiar with what these words mean) race. By his current classification and rules, anyone who does not agree with him is automatically "black" (Mark can't differentiate a libertarian from a conservative nor an objectivist from a libertarian, so I will not suggest other "races" in this exercise). You then begin to assign to us as individuals the characteristics of the group you have placed us into. As a result, both Juris and I like watermelon and fried chicken.

    If you find the above even slightly offensive then you should, if your brain isn't completely muck, be able to deduce why I grow tired of your partisan shit.

  12. I can't keep track of all the anonymouses...anonymi...anonymous persons?

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Then you might have to actually start evaluating our statements, sara, rather than just plugging your ears and repeating, "La la la."

    Unless your "strategy" for argument is to relegate anyone who might so much as slightly differ in opinion to "the other team" (and therefore unworthy of being distinguished), it should be trivially easy to tell us apart.

  14. "Guess who"12:21 PM

    If you find the above even slightly offensive then you should, if your brain isn't completely muck, be able to deduce why I grow tired of your partisan shit.

    Actually it's probably the most hilarious thing I've seen written on this blog since I started checking it.

    Does enjoying things that are "darkly humorous" make me a racist?

  15. "in addition to being a communist, a socialist, a Marxist, and a fascist..."

    A bit verbose seeing as those are all shades of the same color.

  16. juris imprudent7:02 PM

    But, but I do like watermelon and fried chicken. Not so much on collard greens or chitlins. Of course I'd prefer to wash it down with a nice Pinot Gris.

    Sara, you shouldn't be so confused, if you just read what is written and pay little to no attention to WHO wrote it.

  17. GrumpyOldFart9:28 PM

    With some fava beans and a nice chianti...
