Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bitterness Rising

I'm feeling bitter and cynical tonight. I've always been excited on the night of the State of the Union speech regardless of who was in office. The part when the Congressional Sargent at Arms yells, "Madame Speaker, the President of the United States!" But tonight, no matter what President Obama says, it won't matter.

The vomitous spew that is our current political climate will gnaw over the metaphorical piece of meat that is our president...removing all honor, dignity, and truth from anything he says. No doubt he has the best of intentions but does anyone really care any more?


The chief concern of most media outlets is to sell advertising through higher ratings. They get these ratings by presenting what is essentially political porn. Whatever your political stripe, there is a channel for you to wax your poly-rod whilst thumping your chest and feeling happy that your side is "right."

Meanwhile, our country is falling apart and all of the solutions slip away in a vitriolic spew of propaganda.


  1. juris imprudent10:04 PM

    Whatever your political stripe, there is a channel for you to wax your poly-rod whilst thumping your chest and feeling happy that your side is "right."

    I don't know what channel you were watching, but there isn't one that does anything like that for me. Maybe I need satellite instead of cable.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    As a relatively hard right conservative, I give his SotU speech a solid, stand-up double. I didn't watch the Republican response, but I did read the transcript. meh.

    Obama is certainly a good speechifier. Until the last sentence of his opening set, he had me hooked. Not that "I have never been more hopeful about America's future than I am tonight" is terrible... I just thought there was going to be something a bit less smarmy. At various points, I thought "Hey, that sounds like a good idea." We'll see how the wheat seperates from the chaff in the next year.

  3. There was no honor or dignity in taking a swipe at the SCOTUS sitting right before him. Despite what he said, I don't think he respects the separation of power at all.

  4. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I disagree with the SCOTUS decision, but I agree he should have left that part out. With the advent of the executive order (abused by both sides) and the amount of presidential power exerted on congress, the seperation of enforcing the law vs making the law is already suspect. If the President/Congress decide to team up and co-opt the SCOTUS' power.... it will finally justify all those pamphlets printed by Idaho survival compounds.
