Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Watch Glenn Beck

Or at least you should have yesterday with former Congressmen Eric Massa on for the full hour. As Beck strained to get Massa to admit massive liberal conspiracies, the former New York Congressmen wouldn't bite. Instead, Mr. Massa proceeded to speak in a language that only he understood. Not even Beck knew what to think and, to his credit, said at the end of the show that he felt like he "wasted our time."

Meanwhile, Rush had the following to say recently:
My guess in even in Canada and even in the UK, doctors have opted out. And once they’ve opted, they can’t see anybody Medicare, Medicaid, or what will become the exchanges. They have to have a clientele of private patients that will pay them a retainer and it’ll be a very small practice. I don’t know if that’s been outlawed in the Senate bill. I don’t know. I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

He has since clarified his statement, saying that he would go there for private medical care. I find this to be quite interesting considering that the Costa Rican health care system is largely run by the government. It is a policy that operates under the notion that everyone should have health care at an equal rate. Private insurance is virtually nonexistent. Check out this American Journal for Public Health report for more information.

But he is smart in going there. Life expectancy, in the Americas, is second only to Canada at 78 years old. But wait! I thought that people in Canada had to wait in long lines or for months for treatment and the government just lets them die. Ah well, I guess I shouldn't believe what my eyes are telling me.

Double meanwhile, we have Liz Cheney running around saying that lawyers in the DoJ are Al Qaeda sympathizers if they defend detainees. Taking issue with this are several on the right including Lindsey Graham and Ken Starr. One has to wonder if this new found public support the right is enjoying will last at all with all of these latest shenanigans.

No worries, though. They can always fall back on this.


  1. last in line10:17 PM

    The measure of a healthcare system is not life expectancy which has many factors other than medical treatment, but what chance you have for survival when you get sick. There’s a big difference between health and health care. If you eat too many Big Macs, smoke a pack if cigs every day and drink a six pack every night, that’s a lifestyle choice. Deaths via automobile accidents also affect the life expectancy rates of a nation.

    I've already said all that on here several times.

    If you are a citizen of Britain and get prostate cancer, you have a 1 in 2 chance of dying of the disease. In the U. S., prostate cancer patients have a 1 in 5 chance of dying of prostate cancer. That's how you judge a healthcare system. A study by the American Cancer Society studied all types of cancer and where a person was most likely to survive. They studied the U. S., France, Britain, Germany, Italy, and other European countries. Whether it was breast cancer, prostate cancer, leukemia, melanoma or other deadly forms of cancer, the country in which people survived cancer and lived longest with the disease was the United States.

    For all your defense of Canada’s socialized medicine, the cross-border flows aren’t south to north. Just ask the Premier of Newfoundland how the weather in Florida was. His words were "It's my health, it's my choice".

  2. juris imprudent7:17 PM

    Nice going last, not even waiting for a thread to develop - you killed it before it could start.
