Monday, April 26, 2010

The Cult's Prayer

Check this FaceBook page out.

It's essentially a group of 1, 143, 914 people that are praying for Barack Obama to die. Why?

But what they are actually thinking is this Cult Delusion.

I suppose I could try to prove that none of this is going to happen but that won't stop this one million plus group from believing that their lives will be better if President Obama is dead. Check out the comments on the page's wall. Real nice.

I'm trying very hard to compare these people to the Bush haters but it's not even close. The film, Death of a President, was more of a fake documentary in the style of Orson Welles' War of the Worlds. The hate, anger, and fear in these people is at an all time high. I still contend that the GOP is going to reap minimal gains in the fall. Combine this possible outcome with passage of financial reform, immigration reform, and energy legislation (with a dash of Cult leader fervor from Palin, Limbaugh, Bachmann, and Beck) and what's going to happen?

Cletus McYokel and his pals decide it's time to rope them a socialigger.


  1. The whole socialism thing is a red herring. A political system (democracy/dictatorship/oligarchy) is not the same as an economic system (capitalism/socialism).

    The Soviet Union wasn't bad because it was a socialist system, it was bad because it was a single-party authoritarian dictatorship. There was only the Communist party, and there was only one candidate to vote for and they imprisoned people who complained. The socialist/communist aspects of the system were almost irrelevant.

    If you recall, it was only a few years ago when Karl Rove was talking about the GOP becoming the permanent majority party. The Republican Party, with its enforced loyalty oaths and litmus tests, is much more like the Communist Party in the Soviet Union than the Democratic Party (who are so fractious they could barely scrape together 60 votes when they actually had that many Senators). The "Democratic Caucus" in the Senate consists of 47 Democrats and two independents.

    In Minnesota Republican legislators who voted to override the Republican governor's veto a few years back were essentially kicked out of the party. The Democrats have large blocks of Blue Dog Democrats and pro-life Democrats who cause no end of trouble for Obama's agenda. The Democrats even let Joe Lieberman hang around.

    The US and Europe today are capitalist/socialist hybrids, while the US and England in the 19th century were capitalist/libertarian utopias with 16-hour workdays, child labor and private police and fire departments. There were places like Tombstone where a corporation could put a price on a man's head and no one blinked. But the growth in the size of corporate entities required a concomitant growth in government regulation to check the excessive influence of giant corporations like the railroads.

    Checks on both government and corporate power are essential for democracy. There should be a policy of separation of government and corporate power along the same lines as the separation of church and state. The most dangerous abuses of the Bush administration came about when corporate hacks gained control of the regulatory agencies (failures in food safety and financial regulation) and became entwined with government functions to influence foreign policy (Blackwater and Halliburton in the Iraq War, for example).

  2. Ed "What the" Heckman8:17 PM

    Oh look! Marxaphasia has found his own "Protocols of the Elders of Conservatism"…

    …if only he could read for comprehension and not run away when the "monsters" got too close

  3. Ed "What the" Heckman8:21 PM


    How do you have a purely "economic" system based on government control without a political system, i.e. government, that exerts that control?

  4. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I guess my question is - What is this blog for? I've been following it for a week or two now, and all I see is Mark saying something involving 'Fuck you, you homo hating nazi's', blk tells him how right on he is, then other posters attempt to use logic and facts to illuminate the subject. When the facts are presented, they are not debated. They are ignored. Then a new post comes out, along the same lines as all the unanswered ones.... It's your blog Mark, but what are you trying to accomplish here? Just spout what you want to say without any conflicting facts getting in your way? If so, knock yourself out. I think the same way about that crazy guy who stands on the street corner and yells about Jesus. He doesn't bother me, nor am I going to ask him his opinion on anything important.

    But if you are trying to teach me something, you are failing miserably. If you are trying to learn something, you are failing miserably. If you are trying to be entertaining, then the 'fuck you, you GOP fascist' bit was old after about the 2nd Bill Maher show.


  5. I think blk spelled things out quite accurately. All this hysteria about Obama's supposed Marxism is absolute insanity. Those who shout out this myth know nothing of economics, history, or politics. Those shouting in hatred and protest about Obama are to be considered ignorant malcontents and crackpots. As far as Mark's penchant for telling the far-right to "fuck off" goes, I would say he has a legitimate complaint about them and is only expressing his fatigue over being subjected to their constant, intelligence-insulting lies and verbal abuse. I understand and agree with his sentiment.

  6. Ed "What the" Heckman11:56 PM


    Come visit The Smallest Minority sometime and read through the comments. There is someone who knows nothing of economics, history, and politics, and I can guarantee that it's not who you think it is.

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

  8. 6Kings8:46 AM

    dw is very astute. This blog is nothing more than a billboard for ignorance extraordinaire. Lot of projection, economic illiteracy, and leftist talking points repeated over and over even after being debunked over and over. Some of us just keep coming back to see if learning will ever occur.

  9. donald10:20 AM

    Notice, anonymous, that this poster says "drive them out" not pray for their death. Do you see the difference?

    dw and 6Kings,

    I disagree with your assessment of this blog. I haven't been following it from the beginning but would urge you to check out the following:

    That's just a few randoms that I picked from a brief scan. Mark did a huge series on the Manzi article a while back as well.

    Mark has also stated that he doesn't have the readership of some other blogs so that may be one reason why there isn't a lot of debate. The other reason is quite obvious. The right wingers that post here are never going to change their mind. That's why I don't always engage people further. The birth certificate debate would be an example of this. When I see hints of what I hear people say every day here in MO, I tend to tend up taking the guy screaming about Jesus approach that you mention above.

    Go back and read the Manzi series. Mark admitted one of his biggest ideas he's had on here was wrong and blk disagreed. In fact, the Reagan link above saw comments by blk that were a little salty. The last time I saw Mark at Christmas he talked about how wrong he was about Reagan.

    I also agree with Jack. There comes a point when debating a GOPer is like talking to the automated female voice on voice mails. Same thing over and over. No change.

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Donald, with all respect I probably won't go through your laundry list of examples. I was here briefly during the Manzi phase, as well.

    The available readership seems to want a debate. I see facts put out, but not challenged or refuted, just ignored. As an example, your sarcastic dismissal of a "birther" just four days ago. You -Donald- made a statement. Your statement was refuted, using verifiable facts. Then you disappeared. I didn't hear any insane ramblings against your position, I saw your version of the story brought into question. Questions you didn't see fit to respond to, unfortunately.

    I would rather have a reasoned debate with any person that could advance his opinion vs mine, than listen to a man with a megaphone tell me I'm wrong because he says so. I don't need to win the argument, but I have a strong desire to be correct. If your facts trump mine, then your version will become my version. I will have become correct, and I learned something. So I am (in my opinion) a right-winger. But I WANT to change my mind if I am wrong. Just give me a logical, fact-based reason to do so.

    I have no doubt that arguing with many people becomes the same thing over and over again. But it seems that here, the methodology is to ignore any debate on post #1, and say something similar in post #3.

    Perhaps I am just in the wrong corner of the internet, but I am not learning (preferable), and I am not teaching (great when it happens), and I'm only vaguely amused.


  11. Another reason why there is no debate is that you lefties don't like to answer questions when people ask them. Probably because you can't defend the legislation being passed - you just call anyone who disagrees with you a racist. Is that tactic a part of the new era of politics you all said we were entering into?

  12. jeff c.2:12 PM

    Classic Rovespeak. Mark, when are you going to do your column on "The Rove" that you told me about the last time I talked to you?

  13. b. gates3:15 PM

    dw, I guess I'm not sure how you'd like mark to react when the GOP says the things that it does. They are pretty indefensible although highly entertaining. Mark just seems to be commenting on the absurdity.

  14. Anonymous5:16 PM

    When the GOP says 'what' things Mr Gates? I don't see much on one side of this false dichotomy of R vs D, that can't be said about the other side. Corruption? Mendacity? Hypocrisy? There's enough to tarnish a whole DC full of politicians. Why not move past 'Palin is a stupid cunt and you are a Nazi!'? (I can get that on NBC without the vulgarity.) If the intention is for this blog to be a discussion forum, then the discussion isn't happening. If it is intended to be Mark's megaphone.... well that's his prerogative.

    But let me directly answer your question. I want Mark to choose the topic (it IS his blog), make whatever comments he wants to, and then DEFEND his position if possible. Use facts, logic, and hopefully a skillful wit to enable others to either agree with him, or at least respect his views.

    And if you don't agree with that, then you are worse than Hitler.

    AND, my Windows crashed the other day. Can you fix that?


  15. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Okay, so apparently it doesn't matter if everyone knows there were years when effigies and images of the President were all over the news being hanged, or burned, or with guns pointed at them. And it doesn't matter that our current Speaker of the House considered that praiseworthy, either.

    The glaringly obvious fact that those people wanted Bush dead, were wishing he was dead and indeed calling for his death... that's not the issue.

    Oh, I get it! These people are praying! Oh noes!!!
