Tuesday, April 06, 2010

A New Profile in Courage

Just when I thought all hope was lost in our current political climate, Senator Tom Coburn proves me completely wrong.

At a recent town hall meeting, a woman stood up and asked Senator Coburn if she was going to jail if she didn't have health care. He responded to her by saying that was not true and people shouldn't believe everything the myths they hear on Fox News. Later in the meeting, Nancy Pelosi's name came up and there was a chorus of boos, to which Senator Coburn replied

"Come on now... how many of you all have met her? She's a nice person. Just because somebody disagrees with you, doesn't mean they're not a good person. Don't catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody's no good."

Well said, sir!

He then went on to urge his audience to widen their points of view by reading (!) and watching a variety of media outlets...not simply the ones with which they agree.

Mr. Coburn, I have disagreed with you on many things but from this day forward you are a friend to Notes From The Front and if anyone, on either side, disparages you personally, they are going to get a 400 pound verbal weight dropped on the arse.

Let's see if we can start getting everyone to think and act in this manner...including me:)


  1. donald12:08 PM

    Two days in a row of glowing things about GOPers. I'm worried about you, Mark. I think you need to come down to STL so I can kick your ass.

  2. And yet he is a "perfect example of the left." LMAO!!! I think he is a perfect example of the most misunderstood man on the planet.

  3. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Whew! I'm glad that is settled. I was under the apparently mistaken impression the "Do you have health insurance?" question would be on future federal tax forms, and then a subsequent $750 tax would be added to my total if I could not prove that I did. I freely admit that -like all of our elected officials- I have not actually read the new law, however.
