Sunday, August 29, 2010 what?

There's a lot of liberal outrage out there after the big rally in DC yesterday. I still don't get it. Don't people on the left understand that Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin choose their words to provoke anger? And this anger leads to a strengthening of their fan base and positions which ultimately means more power?

Take, for example, this quote.

You have the same spine and moral courage of Washington and Lincoln and Martin Luther King.

Why are people outraged by this? It's a compliment. and should be lauded. And if Ms. Palin and her followers want to embrace the philosophy espoused by Dr. King, that's fantastic! They can start with an economic bill of rights and social justice.


  1. Damn Teabaggers3:18 PM

    They can start with an economic bill of rights and social justice.

    Meaning what, exactly?

  2. They don't know what the hell social justice is, they just want it. Let me guess - they 'll know it when they see it.

  3. 6Kings6:03 PM

    "It's not justice till I gets mine!" is the modern version of social justice.
