Thursday, August 12, 2010

Perfect Summation

I don't think there is a better video that sums up Sarah Palin.

Elect candidates that understand the Constitution. You mean like our president who is a Constitutional scholar? Silly me, only certain people understand what the Constitution means...

And check out her reaction when Kathleen says that she is a teacher. It's "Ah...shit...another commie pinko who refuses to accept the Creed."


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    It's difficult to understand what exactly is going on in the video. Is this recent?

    What's the teacher bitching about?

    I have the same reaction when I learn someone is a liberal teacher. I've started taking them on too. I'm sick and tired of public school teachers thinking they know better than parents.

  2. 6Kings7:06 PM

    Let's have a parent of one of your students confront you about your lack of teaching (justified or not) and video it to see your reaction. What is it with you and Palin?

  3. juris imprudent7:50 PM

    Silly me, only certain people understand what the Constitution means...

    Uh-huh. All those words must be so confusing to some people.

    Bork only saw the 9th Amdt as an ink-blot; liberal/progressives see the whole damn Constitution that way.
