Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Deal With It

A couple of months back, as part of continuing education, I participated in a two day seminar titled "Beyond Diversity." For the most part, I consider myself to be a racially sensitive person but I quickly found out how many things I take for granted every day. For example, see any Band Aids at Target or elsewhere that are NOT white flesh colored (other than the cute kiddie ones)? How about hair care products that are made for the type of hair that black people have? These might seem like minor things but this is our culture. For the time being, anyway, it is a white dominated culture and that's a problem. The evidence is in the numbers but I'll get to that in a moment.

If these examples don't convince you, ask someone you know that is black if, when they teach their children how to drive, if they also teach them how not to get shot by a police officer (regardless of said officer's skin color). Every parent in the seminar, who had children of driving age, taught their kids where to put their hands, how to talk to the officer, and how, because they were black, they had to be more careful than white drivers. Since I knew that the people at the seminar were probably very tuned in to race issues, I decided to ask every black person I see regularly if they had children of driving age or older and if they taught them in the same manner.

Every single one said the same thing as the folks at the seminar.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we still have racial issues in this country. More importantly we have four basic areas of denial or avoidance that are illustrated beautifully in comments on this blog nearly every day. Before I detail what they are, however, I want to make one thing very clear. There is one reason and one reason alone why I am talking about this: The Achievement Gap.

The achievement gap has long been documented between whites and blacks and is numerical evidence that our culture is still white dominated. Even today, we see the same problems we have seen for decades.

“There’s accumulating evidence that there are racial differences in what kids experience before the first day of kindergarten,” said Ronald Ferguson, director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard. “They have to do with a lot of sociological and historical forces. In order to address those, we have to be able to have conversations that people are unwilling to have.”

Conversations people are unwilling to true...especially here.

But how does this unwillingness that Ferguson mentions manifest itself? Through the following four areas

1. Ignorance. We see two different types here: unconsciousness (I don' t know what I don't know) and Dys-Consciousness (I don't know but I think I do). The former describes myself when I learned about the band aid colors. The latter describes someone who would say "I'm not racist. I have a Black friend." Something else to avoid here is, when discussing issues of race, don't make your black friend a spokesperson. "Well, he's black-let's ask him?" essentially says that all black people think alike because of their race.

2. Denial. This describes some of my readers. Many of you bitch that "it's all over now-why can't the blacks just get past it?" Or "we've already had this discussion." To answer the first question, because of the achievement gap and to answer the second, it's not good enough because of the achievement gap. Face the numbers. Deal with it.

Another element of denial is something else we see all the time: Blaming the Victim. There are great examples of it in comments all the time. I'm certain we will see several after this post. If Bill accuses Hank of being prejudiced or participating in discrimination, somehow (as if by magic, see: out of someone's ass) Bill is the problem, not Hank. "He brings it on himself" is the phrase we hear most commonly.

3. Redefinition. Another area in which several of my readers reside. "It's only a few people" or "It's in human nature. There's nothing I can do about it." I've said the latter myself and I was most assuredly wrong to do so. We also here people say that it's not race but behavior...which is actually prejudiced if you think about it. So, if they are black, they behave a certain way?

4. Counteratttack/Competing Victimizations. This is the area in which most of the right wing pundits reside. The obsession with the wise Latina remark by Sonia Sotomayor is a great example of this. The New Black Panther voting "story" is another. Simply mention that someone is prejudiced on any right wing blog and watch this area unfold in all its glory as well as both of these comments. You'll see them faster than flies screaming to shit.

In looking at these four stages of avoidance, it is quite clear that they all exacerbate the problem. Folks, we need to start having these conversations and not fall into any of these stages because the numbers don't lie. As long as we, as a culture, continue to fail black people, the issue of race is going to continue to come up and the wheel of perpetuity keeps on spinning like wheels in a good, old fashioned Minnesota snow storm. The word "racist" will be heard over and over again. I know many of you don't like it when it does.

So, you don't like it when the issue of race comes up and it makes your head hurt? Fine. Work on fixing the achievement gap which starts with a conversation. Face the problem and deal with it rather than being a dick about it.

After all, it's honestly in your self interest if you think about it.


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM


    "Well, he's black-let's ask him?" essentially says that all black people think alike because of their race.

    Wait, didn't you JUST say:
    "I decided to ask every black person I see regularly the same thing..."

    I stopped reading at that point. Too rich.


  2. juris imprudent8:15 PM

    So, you don't like it when the issue of race comes up and it makes your head hurt?

    Like when the facts don't comport with your beliefs, right M?

  3. There's a difference between asking one black person to speak for all and listening to a room full of people and my several black friends if they teach their kids how not to get shot. It's called a poll..informal, of course.

    juris-fact or fiction, black people consistently do worse in just about every area of academics?

    And why is that?

  4. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Of course. Out of half a bazillion black people, ALL of your black friends would be considered able to speak for all black people. Informal, indeed.

    Yer funny.

    You know, what we need is to get more non-white bandaids on the store shelves. Perhaps a law/regulation that FORCES every store owner to carry every possible shade of bandaid. Why stop at black? Are you ingnorant of the plight of the American Indian, the olive skinned Israeli, or the Vietnamese boat people? You racist, homophobic, Nazi-lover!

    Sure it would lose money for every store owner, and eventually put Johnson & Johnson out of the bandaid business, but it would be oh-so-progressive!


  5. Speaking Truth to Idiots11:18 PM

    C'mon DW, don't you know that limited skin tones in bandaids is far more racist than different laws (or their enforcement) based solely on skin color?

    > The obsession with the wise Latina remark by Sonia Sotomayor is a great example of this. The New Black Panther voting "story" is another.

    Here's why it keeps coming up, M: Because idiots like you actually support inserting RACISM into the laws and legal system and reject the concept of "Rule of Law" and Race NEUTRAL laws. And when we point out racism like these events, you don't oppose their racism, you don't fix it, you just condemn us For. Pointing. Out. Your. Side's. Crimes! That racism IS STILL GOING ON!!! You blather on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on about how "racist" we are, then you turn around and go balls to the wall TO ACTUALLY ENACT RACIST POLICIES all the while screaming at US FOR ACTUALLY OPPOSING RACISM!!!

    That's not the "pot calling the kettle black", that the pot calling the white porcelain sink "black." That's calling good, evil and evil, good. That's calling up, down and down, up; light, dark and dark, light; bitter, sweet and sweet, bitter. It's so F***ING backwards that you deserve to be bitch-slapped until you Stop. Being. Such. An. IDIOT!

    For the record, M, I have seen products oriented towards minorities (such as dark bandaids, etc.) in stores were significant numbers of those minorities live. They aren't being ignored.

  6. GuardDuck1:34 AM

    see any Band Aids at Target or elsewhere that are NOT white flesh colored (other than the cute kiddie ones)? How about hair care products that are made for the type of hair that black people have

    Methinks Mark needs to venture out of his lily white enclave and actually experience a little cultural diversity.

    At my local Wal-mart, finding 'white' food among the hispanic fare is the challenge. In my last neighborhood I could easily get any groceries I wanted, as long as it was asian. I've seen local Walgreens with more hair care products for afros than for blondes. And believe a man who shaves his head - nobody does a better straight razor shave than a black neighborhoods barbershop.

  7. Actually, Mark, they do indeed sell bandaids that are race-neutral pretty much everywhere. The latest thing is bandaids made from clear plastic that hermetically seal the wound. They're marketed as being water-proof. They're not usually the long rectangular strip; they're often diamond-shaped and have a fairly small gauze pad. I use them because they actually stay on when you move around and sweat.

    I don't think the problem is as much racism as people being different and outside your comfort zone. For example:

    You're on the way to work. You get on the bus, and it's packed. There are only two free seats, at the back of the bus. One is next to two angry-looking white skinheads with swastika tattoos and motorcycle leathers, slapping small crowbars into their palms. The other is next to a smiling old black man dressed in a nice suit and his six-year-old granddaughter in a pink Sunday school dress. Do you sit with the Nazis or Morgan Freeman?

    Now put that old man in one of those brightly colored traditional African suits and weird hats. Put the girl in a veil. Are they Muslims? It becomes less clear.

    Or take 30 years off the black man, put him in a leopard-skin coat and add some bling and dark glasses. Add 10 years to the girl's age and put her in a low-slung dress. Is he a pimp? A drug dealer? A gangbanger? Now you decide to take a walk on the white side.

    But there are still people who would refuse to sit on the bench with Morgan Freeman and his granddaughter. People who, 60 years ago, were fighting tooth and nail to keep old black men at the back of the bus and young black girls out of decent schools. Those people's attitudes haven't changed, and they're racists. They may be reading this blog, but they're out there. That kind of racism will only die when they do.

    But the rest of us don't have to be locked into that. It's very common for people fear that which they do not know. If you think you have nothing in common with someone you have no way to understand them.

    The problem these days is not so much overt racism as the tendency to express anger at and distrust of those who do not kowtow to every social norm. That's why you see such vitriol directed at Somalis who wear traditional clothing, or Mexican-Americans who speak Spanish. They have the temerity to be different. Just because you voted for a hot Indian chick for governor -- a woman who looks, talks and dresses like any white woman -- does not mean you're not prejudiced against people who are different from you.

    Finally, most Americans think that slavery and the intolerable treatment blacks suffered after the Civil War are ancient history. But there are people still alive today whose grandparents were born into slavery. Slaves were prevented by their white owners from marrying, so is it any wonder that the institution of marriage is not as strong among blacks as it is among whites?

    There are still people alive today who had to hide from white lynch mobs. There are still mothers alive today whose sons were strung up for looking the wrong way at a white girl. Is it any wonder that some blacks feel intimidated and oppressed by whites? Especially when so many whites still to this day insist that Obama is a Muslim and constantly refer to him as "Hussein?" And why? Because Obama's father was African and somehow they just can't trust him -- they just know he's lying.

    Just go read the comments to most any story on the web about Obama and you'll find ample evidence of racism. It may be a small minority, but they sure aren't shy about expressing their opinions.

  8. brendan2:06 PM

    STI, I think you just defined "Counterattack/Competing Vicitmizations" perfectly. Well done. And wow, band aids are available in the neighborhoods where they live....what if "they" don't live there? What if they live out with the white folk? I guess they have to drive all the way back, huh?

    Laws regarding race were made because a large number of people in this country don't like black people and weren't going to change. What's your plan to enable that change? The free market?

  9. GuardDuck2:34 PM

    what if "they" don't live there? What if they live out with the white folk? I guess they have to drive all the way back, huh?

    By this specious reasoning I am being discriminated against because I can't find lutefisk in my local store. That damned free market has such an unfair habit of providing goods to meet demand....

  10. Speaking Truth to Idiots3:34 PM

    > STI, I think you just defined "Counterattack/Competing Vicitmizations" perfectly.

    And I think you just missed the whole damn point.

    > what if "they" don't live there? What if they live out with the white folk? I guess they have to drive all the way back, huh?

    EVERYBODY has to deal with this kind of issue at some time or other.

    Do you drive a certain kind of car where there's no local dealership? You will have to drive to get parts or service. (And sometimes you'll have to do that even when there is a local dealer.)

    Do you need a certain kind of tool that's not available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you like a certain kind of food that isn't available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you need any computer parts or accessories that not flat out basic? You probably have to drive or order online.

    Do you read a lot? At some point you will need to either drive or order online to get a book you want.

    I've had to do every one of these things, and in some cases, that's routine. I don't feel discriminated against.

    What you're describing is NORMAL! Stores cannot carry things that don't sell; at least, not if they want to stay in business.

  11. Speaking Truth to Idiots3:44 PM

    > STI, I think you just defined "Counterattack/Competing Vicitmizations" perfectly.

    And I think you just missed the whole d*mn point.

    > what if "they" don't live there? What if they live out with the white folk? I guess they have to drive all the way back, huh?

    EVERYBODY has to deal with this kind of issue at some time or other.

    Do you drive a certain kind of car where there's no local dealership? You will have to drive to get parts or service. (And sometimes you'll have to do that even when there is a local dealer.)

    Do you need a certain kind of tool that's not available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you like a certain kind of food that isn't available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you need any computer parts or accessories that not flat out basic? You probably have to drive or order online.

    Do you read a lot? At some point you will need to either drive or order online to get a book you want.

    I've had to do every one of these things, and in some cases, that's routine. I don't feel discriminated against.

    What you're describing is NORMAL! Stores cannot carry things that don't sell; at least, not if they want to stay in business.

  12. 6Kings4:49 PM

    GD, good word choice...specious. As in this entire blog contains specious posts.

  13. Competing victimizations, indeed, Brendan. So what will it take for you folks to break out of this? STI actually threw in a load of denial as well. If you want it to stop, you're going to have to have the conversation. Why don't you want to?

  14. Flat Earthers8:52 PM

    Since you begin by assuming racism from anyone whose position disagrees with yours, what possible point is there in having a conversation?

  15. Speaking Truth to Idiots10:16 PM

    Another missing comment to replace… ::: rolls eyes ::::

    > STI, I think you just defined "Counterattack/Competing Vicitmizations" perfectly.

    And I think you just missed the whole d*mn point.

    > what if "they" don't live there? What if they live out with the white folk? I guess they have to drive all the way back, huh?

    EVERYBODY has to deal with this kind of issue at some time or other.

    Do you drive a certain kind of car where there's no local dealership? You will have to drive to get parts or service. (And sometimes you'll have to do that even when there is a local dealer.)

    Do you need a certain kind of tool that's not available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you like a certain kind of food that isn't available locally? You have to drive or order online.

    Do you need any computer parts or accessories that not flat out basic? You probably have to drive or order online.

    Do you read a lot? At some point you will need to either drive or order online to get a book you want.

    I've had to do every one of these things, and in some cases, that's routine. I don't feel discriminated against.

    What you're describing is NORMAL! Stores cannot carry things that don't sell; at least, not if they want to stay in business.

  16. Racist Jerk2:35 PM

    The sole cause of the achievement gap is racism?
    That's it? Racism from peers or institutional racism? To be honest, until the new black panther issue, I had honestly thought institutional racism was a thing of the past. Boy was I wrong.
    If it's racism from peers, I'm not sure how that follows - "My peers hate me because I'm a different color. I'll fail in school - that'll show them!" - doesn't make much sense to me. It also is not consistent with Asian races who I'm sure experience racism from their peers yet do not have a significant achievement gap as compared with whitey. But I guess one can't look at other possible causes like say, culture, because that would be RACIST, since in the liberal mindset, all cultures are equal...

  17. Anonymous2:38 PM

    All people are racist.

    But if you disagree with my views, you are fucking racist.
