Saturday, February 05, 2011

A Simple Suggestion

"WAAAAAAH. They are trying to make me do something I don't wanna do. WAAHHHH"

No, that's not my 8 year old son. Nor are "they" making you do anything. First Lady Michelle Obama is suggesting that people eat less shitty food. Every first lady has a pet project and hers is childhood obesity. Because the Right has to counter every single thing the left does (winning the argument, never being wrong, bully power fantasies), Sarah Palin made a media event out of bringing sugar cookies to a school. Rush Limbaugh claims that Ms. Obama is coming to get your furnace.On Laura Ingraham’s talk show she challenged Michelle Obama to “get off our back and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions.”

And what has to be the most idiotic fucking thing I have ever heard, Matt Drudge has suggested that Michelle Obama is to blame for the increase in pedestrian deaths because more people are walking per her suggestion. Are you kidding me? 

How about we take a look at the number of lard asses that die every year because they don't take a walk once in awhile? Must the right find fault with everything the Obamas do even if it is a good idea?

Yes. Yes, they must.

What's truly hilarious about all of this is these aren't laws. They are suggestions. Within a one mile radius of my house there is a McDonald's, a Dairy Queen, several greasy bars, and three grocery stores that all have fully stocked bakeries. The government is not regulating my ability to pile on to my gut.

Yet the fear is still there. More and more these days any remaining doubt that I had about the conservative brain being wired differently is being washed away. All Rush Limbaugh has to do is look in the mirror when he gets out of the shower to see that the government is not forcing him to do anything.


  1. juris imprudent11:27 AM

    Every first lady has a pet project

    Mostly true.

    * Lady Bird wanted to beautify the nation's highways.
    * Pat Nixon promoted volunteerism.
    * Betty Ford didn't have a signature effort.
    * Rosalynn Carter advocated for better mental health.
    * Nancy Reagan, "Just say no"
    * Barbara Bush worked for universal literacy.
    * Hillary Clinton wanted to be co-president and make actual policy, not just promote a particular cause.
    * Laura Bush focused on education and women's health.

    As for how the conservative brain is so different from your own? Not so much. Virtually everything that sets you off about them is something that you yourself do. Soon, you'll be channeling Ann Coulter with how your opponents are sub-human.

    You are the Fred Phelps of the Leftboro Baptist Church.

  2. GuardDuck1:22 PM

    The government is not regulating my ability to pile on to my gut.

    Not yet, not yet.

    Unless you are in NYC, LA, Philly or a half a dozen other places around the country regulating what and where we can eat.
