Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pulling A Palin

I guess I've been too busy lately to grok what Governor Walker is up to in Wisconsin because I feel slow on the up take. It's so fucking obvious. Why didn't I think of it before? He's pulling a Palin.

In order to be recalled, there must be 50 thousand signatures and one year's time passed. Likely, that is what will happen. It remains to be seen whether or not he will be voted out but I don't think he cares. He will not budge an inch regardless of the cost (both personal and financial) to the people of Wisconsin. Seems like political suicide, eh? Not in this day and age. He will be crowed a hero by the Right. His prize?

A lucrative radio show coupled with a Fox News gig will be his for the taking. Within a day of being voted out of office, Scott Walker's career will be set.  Look at how great it worked out for Sarah Palin. More power to both or any of them, I say. They have an army of devoted followers ready to plunk down their hard earned cash for a fear, hate and anger stew.

It's the American Dream and....(wait for it) good capitalism!


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Voted out? Isn't he doing exactly what he promised to do when he was voted in?

  2. Anonymous5:26 PM

    If more Democrats had turned out to vote then they wouldn't have to go through this whole mess with the recall. It looks like they are going to start recalling some Senators there though.

  3. Wow. Such a flash of brilliance! Why, you're a regular Einstein.

    Of course no one who disagrees with you politically could actually believe in what they're doing. They could only be amoral, money-grubbing evil-doers. Do you have any idea how close your "reasoning" is to that of fundamentalists?

  4. juris imprudent7:34 PM

    Do you have any idea how close your "reasoning" is to that of fundamentalists?

    I didn't dub this the Leftboro Baptist Church without cause you know.

  5. jeff c.8:35 PM

    Mark, I'm on my hands and knees begging you: Bring back The Cult.'s the most accurate way to describe people like Walker and Palin. Did you see this?

    Like any good Cult, all that they believe is true and they never do any wrong. They need their leaders. The video trailer is like a cross between a late night infomercial, an old Jim Jones film, and one of those old perpetually laughing clowns from the circus.

  6. Jocasta8:48 PM

    Scary. It couldn't be that Palin is an idiot and incompetent. It had to be the way the media manipulated all of us and lied. Eureka! That's it. Personally, I'd like him to bring by the Rove again as that's what this is most assuredly. Obama won because the Republicans fucked everything up. Can't anyone ever admit fault?

  7. juris imprudent9:10 PM

    Obama won because the Republicans fucked everything up.


    And the Repubs won back the House because of how badly the Dems fucked things up.

    See how that works. Or did I just upset your little world?

  8. Serial Thrilla9:11 PM

    Does anyone out there think this video is grounded in any sort of reality? A friend of mine had it and made me watch it. Ish. Ziegler is talking about media bias against Palin and then has Palin endorsing the film. A classic Rove tactic if there ever was one. Attacking your enemy with what is your greatest weakness. I pointed this to my friend who owns the video and he wouldn't hear any of it. It was like he was hypnotized.

    But is endorsed by Rush Limbaugh so there's no way that there could be any bias at all, right? Mark-you are right right on the money about Walker. He'll have a site like this as soon as he's out of office. Whenever that will be.

  9. Jocasta11:07 PM

    What a high opinion you have of yourself, juris imprudent. It comes through in your attempts to undermine Mark's posts. I say attempts because they fail every time. The only thing the Democrats fucked up was in underestimating the power of fear peddling to a group of people who think that Ronald Reagan Resurrected is going to ride in on a horse to save them. What did blk say a while back? Republicans destroyed the economy and thousands of lives both here and in Iraq. Obama passed a health care law. That's even to you, I guess.

  10. juris imprudent11:58 PM

    What a high opinion you have of yourself, juris imprudent.

    No, it's more the low opinion I have of wailing partisan zombies.

    The only thing the Democrats fucked up was...

    Yep, 'bout what I expected, another shit-eating partisan hack. Oh well, wish I was surprised.

    Ya see, I can agree with you about why Obama won, but you can't see past your Demo-love as to why they lost. I particularly like how a one-eyed man accuses me of having a vision problem.

    In your and M's exceedingly small minds there is only what I believe and everything that doesn't agree with me. Too bad, you miss out on a lot with such a limited repertoire.

  11. Sorry Jeff but no more Cult and no more Rove although I will point out when they attack me with their greatest weakness. We've got much bigger issues to deal with right now.

    I had a few people send me that link for the DVD as a joke to see if I would buy it. I think what I find the most amusing about it is how they think the reason why I won't waste my time with it is the same reason why they won't waste their time with "Inside Job." Different brains...literally...remember?

    There's not much you can do for people that think it's all Katie Couric's fault. At this point, I look at people who fall for Ziegler about the same way I look at kids at my school who have emotional issues that interfere with their learning. In all honesty, making fun of them is about as disgusting to me these days as kicking someone in a wheel chair. You have to wonder what is going on in their lives that brought them to this point.

  12. Anonymous11:11 PM

    You are so right Mark. These guys with their fancy 'constitution' are starting to get on my nerves. I'm tired of the fat-cats getting rich while the working people serve their masters. You tell 'em!
