Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rules They Don't Live By

A while back, Vann Jones (former climate guy for President Obama and current socialist/fag lover/grandma plug puller/statist who wants to rape all of our children) was asked why the Republicans get to behave the way they do. His answer?

"Because they are assholes."

He got fired over the remark by President Obama.

Gotcha right winger James O'Keefe captured former NPR exec Ron Schiller saying that the Tea Party was racist and generally slamming conservatives. He was fired along with Vivian Schiller (no relation) from NPR for his comments.

Sensing a pattern here? Other than the fact that Jones and Schiller were both accurate, of course:)

It's pretty simple. Generally speaking, the right wing of America does not have to live by the rules. They are, in fact, assholes and get to do pretty much whatever they want. They can call Barack Obama "the magic Negro" and it's not racist. They can sting other people in heavily edited videotapes but refuse to allow themselves to be videotaped as is the case with Mr. O'Keefe (so much for him being the right's answer to Michael Moore as Moore can wait to have his mug anywhere people will have him). Or they can say things like this:

Pussy. And YOU ARE STILL WRONG. NPR is run and produces nothing but liberal drivel. Pussy.

Yet I am the one with "voices in my head."

Democrats, liberals, and progressives have to live by the rules. Conservatives don't. And the more the left lives by them, the less the right does. This has lead to the right trying to "catch" the left in not living by them so they can (in typical school yard bully fashion) point and say, "See? They do it too!! N'yah N'yah!" See, when people like Schiller or Jones say things like they did, they get fired. When Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin says it, they get more money and supporters cheering them. Understand the difference between conservatives and liberals these days? It gets worse.

Governor Walker and the rest of the GOP in Wisconsin ignored a judge's ruling and are moving ahead with the bill they passed anyway. Starting on April 21st, union dues will no longer be collected from workers paychecks. The state of Wisconsin will also begin deducting more money for health benefits from each state worker's check. They had the law published already which basically means they are already in contempt. If they actually take this next step, they will have defied a judge's ruling twice. But, hey, she's a fucking commie so fuck her!

Will they do it? They say they are going to but I'm more interested in their frame of mind which is pretty much how most conservatives around the country think. They are under the (quite mistaken) impression that liberals cheated when they passed health care. Libs shoved it down their throats and rammed it through (time out for a chuckle on the penis metaphors) and, in their very warped minds, they can now do the "same" thing. Except it's not the same but they don't really know the difference. We are dealing very low emotional intelligence after all.

I'm curious to see how far they will get-both with the law and the American voter-but one thing is very, very true and I've said it all along. It's not that they don't like government. That's just their t 8 year old boy temper tantrum talking and looking for something to pick on. It's that they don't like certain laws and think that they don't all apply to them. Out of this comes a general attitude and perception-which is hilariously ironic when you think about it but perfectly consistent with their interaction and behavior with people on the left. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, given how they continually flaunt the rules, that they feel this way and it's one simple word.



  1. Serial Thrilla12:22 PM

    Governor Walker just backed down from the judge and is suspending implementation of the law. I guess they had time for their polling to come in but this also means that they may be RINOS now since they gave in.

  2. Oh, so I'm a Republican?

    Fuck you, you little shit.

    You're an idiot who couldn't differentiate shit from shinola.

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Ya know who's an asshole? The WI TEACHER who sent the death threat emails to the Republicans who supported Gov Walker's budget repair bill.

    The bigger assholes are in the WI State Dept of Justice who failed to file a criminal complaint on this jackwagon until March 21st. I mean, Special Agents visited her parent's house 16 hours after she sent the disgusting emails from their computer(March 9th).

    I really don't want stupid people like this around any pre-schoolers, k. I mean, who doesn't know you can track an IP address? Apparently, this educator.

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Just for the record, "Barack the Magic Negro" was a story in the LA Times. I don't read it, so I don't know if they have an editorial right/left slant, but that phrase was not invented by the conservatives.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    In the interest of equal time, and in accordance with the defunct Fairness Doctrine, would you mind penning a paragraph or two regarding White House defiance of court rulings?

    Go with Obamacare, and deepwater drilling permits. Low hanging fruit and all that. And what was that law that the DOJ said it wouldn't enforce? Recently, but I forget...

  6. Serial Thrilla3:40 PM

    "Barack the Magic Negro" was a story in the LA Times....that phrase was not invented by the conservatives.

    "Barack the Magic Negro" is a song by American political satirist Paul Shanklin who wrote and recorded it for the Rush Limbaugh Show as satire after it was first applied to presidential candidate Obama by movie and culture critic, David Ehrenstein, in a Los Angeles Times op ed column of March 19, 2007.

    Again, please...?

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    first applied... in a Los Angeles Times op ed column of March 19, 2007.

    Since you seemed to have missed it the first time.

  8. Serial Thrilla7:26 PM

    Yeah, sorry anon, but that doesn't get you out of it. Clever, but we all know that it was Shanklin and Rush that employed a "Southern Strategy" by making a song out of a column with a completely different theme (please review the term "magical negro and its history). More of the redirect because we all know what the theme of the Shanklin-Limbaugh piece. Compare and contrast the song with the column please. And then go fuck yourself.

  9. For cryin' out loud, Serial, the Shanklin song was mocking Al Sharpton and his ilk. Just listen to the damn thing. "Southern Strategy" my ass.

  10. Otherwise, Mark's post is a classic example of psychological projection.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    So it really was from the LA Times, but in order for it to be racist, you know that it has to be some conspiratorial Southern Strategy. Rather than going and fucking yourself, why don't you take a second and actually listen to yourself.

    And then go fuck yourself.


  12. Anon, have you read the piece in the Times? And are you familiar with this idea?

    I'm fairly certain you aren't, given your comments, and that's what the piece was about in the Times. When Shanklin and Rush got a hold of it, they knew very well what they were doing and that's why Serial mentions the Southern Strategy.

    If you are still not following along, the LA Times piece was as a think piece regarding race and the Shanklin-Limbaugh thing was geared towards a specific audience (the racists ones) in order to whip up support for the right. It tapped deliberately into that mentality and was also meant to bait and piss of the left. Thus, Limbaugh could feign innocence (Who? Me? Racist? Look at the race baiters) and further solidify support.

  13. Mark, you twit, the target of the song was Al Sharpton, race pimp.
