Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Check out this article in the latest CSM.

Arizona's conservative politics – and Phoenix's dominant role – lead some in Tucson to call for secession. It's a divide that dates back to the 1800s.

Isn't that where Kevin Baker, the "classically liberal" steward of The Smallest Minority lives?

While I see nothing actually coming from this, I can't help but chuckle at the tiniest possibility that it might happen. He'd be trapped!! In a sea of  Democrats...with all those warm and wonderful laws that once comforted him like the best blankie ever a mere county away in Maricopa...

(Jim Kirk voice)....Poison Gas....(gasp)...Can't breathe....

Folks, we just might have to place a call to JSOC for an extraction.

1 comment:

  1. juris imprudent8:22 PM

    Why don't you ask Kevin about his feelings about Sheriff Joe over there in Marikafka county? Or are you just going to snipe [inaccurately] from a verrrrry safe distance?

    This was in the news several weeks back - must be slow at the CSM now that the bin Laden coverage is winding down. Also, this ranks as about as serious as a Pat Paulsen or Harold Stassen run at the Presidency. Or, even Newt Gingrich.
