Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thoughts On The Speech?

President Obama certainly stirred up a shit storm this week with his "Arab Spring" speech. Israel denounced his call to return to the pre 1967 borders for land swaps as detrimental to its security even though Netanyahu (currently heavily engaged in the finest example of the two level game I have seen in a while) said the same thing himself earlier this week in a speech to the Knesset. Both Hamas and the PLO denounced it as "throwing dust in the eyes of Palestinians" and a slap in the face to their people.

All of this tells me he's basically on the right track:)


  1. juris imprudent12:44 PM

    If by "on the right track" you actually mean unable to deliver on any of it, yeah, I guess he is.

  2. Disraeli Gears3:23 PM

    I apologize for my confusion.

    Are you saying Bibi is on the right track, or Obama?

    Are you saying Bibi wanted to go back to the '67 borders in a speech to the Knesset last week?

  3. Yes, he did...although it was the Israeli version of that.

  4. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I'm still confused.

    Who is on the right track?

    What is the difference with the Israeli version?

    From my limited interest, I thought that Bibi clearly stated that going back to '67 was not going to happen.

  5. President Obama is on the right track because everyone is pissed off at him. It was a joke but with verite.

    Bibi is clearly playing the two level game. He said one thing to President Obama but is saying something different back home.

    The Knesset address was the most dovish Netanyahu has ever delivered. "Settlement blocs" and "a military presence in the Jordan Rift Valley" demarcate a general map of Israel within the 1967 boundaries, with some adjustments. If he had said this along with "Palestinian state" in his first meeting with Obama in May 2009, both he and Israel would have been spared a lot of aggravation

    These compromises are painful,” Netanyahu said. “Because we are talking about parts of our homeland.

    And this was BEFORE he came here!

  6. Klew Les Rammstein11:22 PM

    Very interesting.

    But I don't see the advantage for Bibi to renege on his statements earlier.

    Admittedly, I pay little attention to a problem that has existed for a couple thousand years. I feel the same way about IRA bombing headlines. [wow am I that old?]

    Simply because I feel conservatively squirrel'ish -and hate Obama because he is black - is it possible the Obama speech revealed some secret negotiating point Bibi was keeping in reserve? I honestly don't know much about the situ.

    du hast mich

