Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Deal?

It looks like we might be moving closer to a deal regarding the debt ceiling, the debt, spending cuts, and taxes. President Obama and several senators on both sides of the aisle are embracing the "Gang of Six" plan which is considered the grand bargain that the president was looking for for the last few weeks.

The question is how the House will respond. Not well is my guess. Hence, the symbolic vote of a balanced budget vote this week. Much of this is nauseating political theater but it's going to be interesting to see if the GOP can pass up an opportunity like this one. This plan limits the growth of Medicare and Social Security which is vital to reducing the debt we currently hold.

The right has been squawking about this for decades. Will they break their purity pledge on taxes to fulfill their life long dream? Hmmm...


  1. Selma Hayek Mises8:48 PM

    "vital to reducing the debt we currently hold"

    What is vital about keeping down a meaningless debt?

    You did say we don't ever have to pay it back, didn't you?

  2. Anonymous10:11 PM


    Stupid Chinese are taking a poll on uncertainty. There is no uncertainty. Obama makes everyone confident.

    Me and you, Mark!

  3. -just dave7:49 AM

    ...limits the growth?
