Monday, July 04, 2011

A Fourth of July Voice Inside My Head

I find it highly amusing the deep need that some have for me to comment again on Kevin Baker's site. A couple of them email me every new post that he puts up. Odd, considering each one essentially torpedoes the "voices in my head" bit.

Take this latest one, for example.

First of all, huh? I've never heard of this. I love the 4th of July and celebrate just like everyone else. And what a fine example of adolescent behavior we have here as well. So much for claiming to be "adults."

No, stupid fucking liberals, I fucking will not shrink from embracing the beauty and freedom encased in our Celebration of Independence.

Wow. Nice 8 year old boy with a temper tantrum drawing at the end as well, "voice" in my head.

Happy 4th everyone!


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    His vocabulary is even more offensive and uninspiring than your letters to your corporate cock sucking best friend Rev. Jim.

    He's probably part of The Cult.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    So let me get this straight. It's not jingoism when YOU do it (celebrate Independence Day), but it is when the right does it. And yes, you do call conservative's pride in our history "jingoism", and you've done so repeatedly.

    Got it.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    American Amnesia
    "Young people in this country are failing civics, which is a crisis for the nation."

  4. GuardDuck5:34 PM

    How about a comment about the so called study the post is actually referencing? Since that is not a voice in his head he is commenting about.

  5. But that wouldn't be missing the point, GuardDuck.

  6. I thought the study was ridiculous and not worth much more of a comment than that.

  7. Not worth much more of a comment than what, Mark?

  8. Anonymous7:22 PM


    Anything that makes leftists look bad is "conservative propaganda" and is ignored by Marxy; no matter how well founded. This is just another case of him ignoring what he doesn't like.

    Or to paraphrase what you said, Marxy is an expert at dodging the point. He is the most belligerently obtuse person I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.

  9. Anonymous12:10 AM

    At least he doesn't suck corporate cock like his brother Reverend Jim.

  10. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I thought the study was ridiculous...

    It is. It's also a classic, typical example of what the political left considers "science".

    It's just like the links posted in comments a few weeks back regarding climate change. You contended that it was "a gross misrepresentation of climate science", and it was. What you quietly ignored was that every bit of the "gross misrepresentation" was liberal, Progressive Democrats in their own words.
