Monday, July 18, 2011


Sean Hoare, the man who blew the whistle on the Murdoch phone hacking scandal, has been found dead. Police say that there was nothing suspicious about the death.

Are these the same police who are resigning in the wake of this scandal? Holy crap does this thing keep getting more fucked up...


  1. last in line9:32 PM

    From what I've read so far, I'm convinced he did actually commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the head with his hands bound behind his back.

  2. juris imprudent10:04 PM

    Must've been the Koch brothers.

  3. Far from the semi-hysterical panting of Mark and Nikto, it sounds like the man's been dying for some time from drug and alcohol abuse, and that the real surprise is how long he managed to survive his bad habits.

    As far as the "hacking" goes, it's not as difficult as one might think. Most cell phones in Britain were until recently sold with default passwords of 0000 or 1234, and most people never bothered to change them. For those that did, try significant dates, etc. Not hard, even for grade schoolers. Yes, it's a bad thing, but it also sounds like it was standard practice at ALL of the tabloids. Bad, bad naughty scandal sheets!

    Meanwhile, not a peep on this site about BATFE gunrunning to Mexican druglords...

  4. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Yes, but Democrat officeholders and appointees blowing billions of dollars or killing people through negligence isn't as important as Republicans who have never worked for the government dialing 0000.
