Wednesday, September 07, 2011

God Messes with Texas

Every time calamity strikes, religious zealots are quick to proclaim that this is God punishing us for some imagined slight. Last week it was Michele Bachmann, who joked (or did she?) that God had sent the earthquake and the hurricane to Washington as a message.

Jerry Falwell claimed 9/11 happened because pagans and abortionists had turned America into a secular society. Pat Robertson has been particularly profligate with God's curses, claiming in 1998 that God would smite Orlando for being soft on gays, and that the earthquake in Haiti was God's punishment for a pact they made with the devil to escape from slavery centuries ago. But then Hurricane Bonnie hammered Robertson's compound in Virginia Beach in 1998. I guess God doesn't like false prophets.

The right has been curiously silent about the heat, drought and wildfires ravaging Texas. Much of Texas has been suffering through 100+ degree temperatures for almost three straight months. Isn't it obvious why?

The Republican Party has controlled Texas for years. They have made it a paradise for oil companies and big business. Few environmental regulations, low wages, no health insurance, lax workplace safety regulation enforcement (especially at oil refineries), plenty of corporate welfare.

Yet God has cursed Texas with a Biblical plague of fire and brimstone. Looking at some of the pictures coming from Bastrop you would think Texas is Hell on Earth.

I mean, if there is a God, and He's picking punishments that fit the offense, it's not particularly ironic to hit Washington with a minor earthquake or a low-end hurricane to punish bickering politicians. You'd expect a plague of laryngitis or flatulence or satyriasis.

But subjecting Texas -- the state that exemplifies the Big Oil, climate-change-is-a-liberal-lie mentality -- to 110-degree temperatures on a daily basis for months on end seems like a fitting punishment.

Sad to say, God isn't behind the drought and the heat wave. But we do know who is: human contributions to climate change are making a bad situation worse. We've already had 10 multibillion dollar weather disasters this year, and the hurricane season still has three or four months to go -- and we're already halfway through the named storm alphabet.

Will Bachmann play the God card in the debate tonight? Will she claim that God is punishing Rick Perry for his poor environmental record, his coddling of Big Oil, his dismissal of human-caused climate change? Or will she just admit that Texas is starting to choke and burn in their own waste products?

1 comment:

  1. No, Mark, I've been informed by greenies that it's a god, specifically Gaia the Earth-Mother, not God.
