Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's The Audience, Stupid

Forget about the candidates. The story so far in the race for the 2012 GOP nomination is the audience. First, we had the cheers at over 200 hundred executions. Then we had the shouts of "Yeah" to letting a man without insurance die. Now we have this.

Booing a solider who is serving our country simply because he is gay?

From now on, the networks who run these debates should just turn the cameras on the audience and let the world see the conservative base in action.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Since nobody seems to care about the DADT post, here's a great 5 minute BBC video.

    Completely safe for work. (It's the BBC for pete's sake.)

  2. I finally listened to it, and discovered that Mark is again, like with the Koch audio, being rather dishonest. It sounded to me like one person booing, and then some other people nearby reacting negatively to the one asshole.
