Thursday, December 01, 2011

Oh, Really?

Occupy Economics from Softbox on Vimeo.

So much for losing the narrative...


  1. 6Kings7:49 AM

    They didn't lose it.

    The 'Narrative' is right here - officially

    "This is their official website. This is not some random guy rambling on the forum. This was put there by their founders. If you do not believe that the main goal of OWS is to get rid of capitalism when they have put it up in bright lights for everyone to see, you are officially brain-dead."


  2. Santa8:22 AM

    I see. It's OK when you use the "Because I said so" imperative but not Mark. Projection/Flipping again!

    Official sites

    Nice try playing the commie fear card, though.

  3. last in line8:37 AM

    ...and that's in the bluest of the blues - California.

    I read on this blog that death threats were only going to get worse - and Mark was right! (sorry - cheap imitation of Glenn)

    Cool link 6kings.

  4. 6Kings10:52 AM

    Uh, Santa, the link in the article is to Also, 17 links to documented OWS FAIL among hundreds of other documented incidents.

    Here we have an interesting take by Adam Corolla on the OWS group. (NWS)

  5. Alright, let's see here...I go to 6Kings official link for the Occupy movement and I find...a right wing blog. Huh? First thing I see is "Who is John Galt?" Great...

    Oh wait, I see now. This isn't the official OWS site. I have to click on one more link..."Who We Are"

    Ok, nothing there about being anti-capitalism. Oh wait, not that link. It's another link in which I have to "wade through some rambling craziness" and then I find...

    A forum page with a list of topics and some html code instructions? Yeah, 6Kings, you are completely full of shit. I didn't think it was possible to find such a large example of confirmation bias but here it is. I'd also throw in the following of Boaz's 14 points.

    13. Guilt by Association
    5. Scapegoating/Othering
    1. Panic Mongering
    2. Character Assassination/Ad Hominem
    11. Saturation

    Full explanations of each of these can be found here

    It's so tough for you guys not use these techniques, isn't it? Tsk tsk...

    Now, if you are the critical thinker you say you are, how about offering us an analysis starting at the main page. Santa has provided the link above. For example, what are your thoughts on the second article on the page, "March for Jobs and Economic Fairness."

    The NYC Central Labor Council has called a march on Dec 1st for Jobs and Economic Fairness that's "not just for the labor movement, but for everyone who is frustrated and worried about the growing economic disparity in this country. It's for anyone who has ever agonized about finding a job, paying for college, meeting a mortgage payment, or how to buy enough food for dinner. "


    Alright, how about this one?

    "War Profiteers Meet Tomorrow In NYC. They Won't Be Alone."

    These war profiteers export death in the name of defense.

    #OWS will not stand silent as these dangerous parasites take our tax dollars and turn them into arms and profit.

    Actually, I disagree completely with this but doesn't it sound an awful lot like Ron Paul?

  6. Well, I'm not frustrated and worried about economic disparity, therefore that little exercise isn't for me. You and Niktos heroes in China have some of the worst economic disparity issues.

  7. 6Kings12:59 PM

    I will take onus of that bad link, sorry. I should not have used the word official as it led you to believe that was pointing to the official site directly. I will be careful next time.

    The blog links actually point to the technical people who develop the OWS website - affiliated and supporting the movement. So, not the official motto, just one among many anti-capitalist groups that make up OWS.

  8. 6Kings-this is Adam Carollas opinion with some badly mistaken statistics thrown about. his comments on the millennials don't actually correspond to what the OWS protest is about so it's a weak argument at best. I would encourage you to do a little more research into what the organizers of that movement are protesting.

  9. juris imprudent3:12 PM

    Actually, I disagree completely with this but doesn't it sound an awful lot like Ron Paul?

    Maybe somewhat. Paul is clearly against the nation-building that you, Friedman/Brooks/et al and the neo-cons love so much. If we have a DoD focused on defending this country and not projecting force wherever some idiot politician and/or corporation wants, it will likely be smaller and cheaper. I don't know about you, but I am fine with that.

  10. 6Kings, no problem on the link. Anyone who posts regularly on a site has had it happen. I sure have many times.

    And there is no doubt that the OWS movement has some of those anti-WTO morons and silly anticap folks within their ranks. I don't think that they are indicative of the movement, however, and the overall message which is clearly having a positive effect on our culture. The conversation has been changed to some issues that sorely need to be addressed.

    I don't know about you, but I am fine with that.

    Well, you might be right in the end. I was never a domino theory guy nor do I believe that the military industrial complex is sacred. But I do think that we are the bulwark against those in the world who would disrupt free trade and markets. There isn't anyone who has our backs. Nonetheless, your views on this issue should be front and center in any serious discussion and your criticism of my views are well founded.

  11. I can't imagine why anyone would think a site like with it's clenched fists and "The only Solution is World Revolution," People's Assemblies, endorsed and very favorably covered by the CPUSA (which makes sure to have a strong presence at the various Occupy shit-ins, along with the World Worker's Party, American Nazis, and all sorts of other lovable fringe groups) could be anything other than a Mom and apple-pie type of movement at it's core, even if well-padded with a host of useful idiots and even more useless tools.

    Good luck with your "Arab Spring" mantra, too. It's already turning into "Arab Fall" with "meet the new boss, same as the old boss (but worse in some ways)" in Egypt, and likely Libya.
