Sunday, January 22, 2012

Election Quotes

“I think Mitt Romney is a good man,” said Harold Wade, 85, leaving a polling place in this picturesque seaside suburb outside Charleston. “But I think we’ve reached a point where we need someone who’s mean."

I can't think of a better example of the right in this country today.

Yet, I'm wondering...perhaps someone can help me out....why? last? just-dave? anyone?


  1. juris imprudent12:25 PM

    Well the old guy tells you why in the next paragraph:

    And Gingrich, he said, was the only one mean enough.

    “What we need is someone who’s got some brains,” Wade said, explaining his vote for the former speaker. “And we need someone with some guts.”

    At least that is what he thinks.

    I couldn't vote for Gingrich myself and I don't agree with Wade about either the intelligence or toughness of Newt.

  2. juris imprudent1:46 PM

    Oh wait, I'm sorry. I forgot that I am a crypto-conservative and that I am supposed to conceal my love for all things conservative and only criticize liberals. Please ignore my previous post (as I'm sure M will since it doesn't accord with his mental image of me). Life must be a bitch when you only see black and white.

  3. -just dave2:25 PM

    Not reading the article, my first guess would be that he's saying we need someone w/ the intestinal fortitude to take candy away from babies; i.e. to cut back on the welfare state and excessive spending that is oh so easy to hand out but nigh impossible to curb.
