Monday, January 09, 2012



  1. last in line8:42 PM

    I think it would be funny, interesting and cool if you could add a reaction called "gay" to the blog. Is that an option?

  2. juris "bully weasel" imprudent8:48 PM

    At least someone knows what "verbatim" means.

  3. GuardDuck12:39 AM

    Of course he does, his handlers have been telling him for years "read the teleprompters verbatim, don't ad-lib".

  4. last, I think my homosexual readers would find that offensive:) Actually, it's funny, you know very well that I've used that word a million times. But in the past few months I've made a concerted effort to not use it. It's just not cool and I've been really wrong for using it.

    juris, I always have but apparently Laura Ingraham doesn't count:)

    GD, I knew the teleprompter would come back. I can't wait for all the old chestnuts to see the light of day again as I know they will this year. Reverend Wright? David Akers? Chicago style politics?

  5. Santa1:35 PM

  6. last in line3:11 PM

    Ok, then can the option be "freakin gay"? I don't see anyone choosing any reactions yet. How about the option "Juris would appreciate this"?

  7. Well, it was only a matter of time, Santa:) Mentioning Saul Alinksy's name (followed by hacking a loogie) will be an adequate replacement. That one I will never understand...
