Saturday, February 04, 2012

President Obama's Job Creation Record

So, if you live in the bubble, what goes through your head when you see this data?

Download this image and save it on your desktop.The next time anyone needs an answer on Obama's policies, this should be one of your top answers.


  1. juris imprudent1:06 PM

    So the President is now the one responsible for job creation (or loss)? Is that right?

  2. When the numbers benefit his narrative no doubt. Check the raw numbers dude.

  3. I'm not the one saying the president is responsible or not responsible for job creation. The current candidates for the GOP nomination and the pundits on the right are saying that he has failed with job creation. Look at the numbers and explain how that is the case. If he were the guy in red, then yes, he was a failure-if you think the president is responsible for such things.

    There's no "narrative," sw. These are the numbers for private sector jobs. Now, if you add in public sector jobs then they are, in fact different. But I thought we wanted to shrink the government so that's why I haven't included them.

  4. GuardDuck8:34 PM

    He said check the raw numbers. Check the raw numbers.

  5. Haplo911:04 PM

    >I'm not the one saying the president is responsible or not responsible for job creation.

    You sure about that?

    "For example, if you do think that the president is destroying free enterprise, then you will have to demonstrate how the 2.3 million private sector jobs he added and the 600,000 public sector jobs that were lost figure into this assertion."

    "he added" sure sounds like you are attributing job creation to the president, does it not?

    Aside from that specific example, your assertion seems pretty blatantly untrue. A quick tour through your archives will show anyone that one of your favorite partisan games is "when good things happen and the President is a D, it's because of him. Regardless of Congressional makeup, and regardless if the thing that happened is even plausibly caused by government." It's one of the reasons its nearly impossible to take you seriously - you seem primarily interested in showing everyone how you are an upstanding member of team Goodness and Light.

  6. Look, folks, I'm not the one making the accusations that the president is ruining the economy and jobs. That's you guys. If you have "raw numbers" or some other calculations you'd like to share, please do so. Assertions have been made that President Obama's policies are destroying this country, free enterprise, jobs, (insert mouth foaming remark here). I have responded with this jobs chart. If you don't agree with these numbers, explain why and counter with evidence.

    Hap, I don't really care which side produces results. The numbers speak for themselves. I also think we're back to that wonky perception thing again. It's not that I want show "everyone how you are an upstanding member of team Goodness and Light." It's simply that I'm illustrating how ridiculous your assertions are about the team which you perceive to be Evil and Dark.

  7. juris imprudent12:47 PM

    That's you guys.

    "You guys"? Conversing with the voices again, eh?

    You do realize that you still blame Bush for the job losses and credit Obama with gains. I don't know how many times I've said that the govt in general and the President in particular do not "manage" the economy. But many (on both sides) have that child-like view.

  8. You do realize that you still blame Bush for the job losses and credit Obama with gains.

    I blame Clinton and Bush. Bush, however, came around at the end and did what he needed to do to stop the bleeding. President Obama continued and improved on the last few efforts of W and was successful at closing the deep wound, if you will.

    I don't think the government necessarily manages the economy but they are an integral part of it's basic functions.

  9. juris imprudent4:25 PM

    I blame Clinton and Bush.

    I rest my case.
