Saturday, February 11, 2012

What He Did


  1. juris imprudent3:11 PM

    He signed an extension to a statute of limitations provision and that sends you into paroxysms of ecstasy?

    If I had to pin down one major criticism of the president, it's that he isn't being fully honest with the American people about jobs.

    That's your major criticism about his dishonesty? That's about as substantive as criticizing his choice of tie or his weak right hand move on the basketball court. I suppose this is some degree of progress for you from your previous argument that any lying for a good cause is acceptable.

  2. last in line3:44 PM

    She's fighting for equal pay for equal work? Young women make more in big cities than men do.,8599,2015274,00.html

    Their salaries go down when they have children, choose careers that pay less, or work part time.

  3. Sasquiff8:14 PM

    Last, I am tired of you using right wing fringe nut lunatic fatcat owned blogs like Time and the NYT to prove your point. You just want to win the argument!

  4. that sends you into paroxysms of ecstasy?

    Where did you get that? I posted the video without comment and, as requested by last in line, noted a successful Obama policy.

    Regarding last's links, from the Time article.

    Here's the slightly deflating caveat: this reverse gender gap, as it's known, applies only to unmarried, childless women under 30 who live in cities. The rest of working women — even those of the same age, but who are married or don't live in a major metropolitan area — are still on the less scenic side of the wage divide.

    So, not really being honest here.

    The Ledbetter Act was a great example of correcting a civil rights issue that SCOTUS got wrong. And it's an example of an Obama policy that righted a wrong and was a success. Discrimination of any kind--even a dumb ass technicality which this case was based on-will not be tolerated in this country.

  5. juris imprudent12:48 PM

    SCOTUS didn't get it wrong - Congress did. SCOTUS merely applied what Congress wrote. Congress changed what they wrote and Obama signed it.

    Big fucking deal.

  6. last in line1:50 PM

    Indeed the sc applied the law as congress wrote it. The quote you lifted does not prove me wrong. notice that my post said that young women in big cities make more than men. My last sentence then said that once they have children or choose a lower paying job, the gap widens. Not sure who you think isn't being honest. Did you find dishonesty to try to prove me wrong?

  7. Sorry, I should have said "intellectually" honest. Obviously, you were trying to make an attempt at showing that the president didn't really achieve any sort of success nor right any wrong because some women are already making more money. This a great example of what I mean by "winning the argument/proving Democrats wrong." It's also a very childish way (surprise surprise) of making a point because you are ignoring the basic facts and redirecting away from an Obama success.

    No quarter, right last?

  8. last in line8:21 PM

    I've explained my view of the case several times on here. I was speaking to the scene in that video you posted that had her by a sign that said equal pay for equal work. It looks like some folks are fighting hard to hold on to their victim status when the facts in the articles I posted, that young women in big cities make more money than men do until they choose not to, say otherwise. Before you discuss my motivations or something else like that - I have no problem at all with equal pay for equal work.

  9. juris imprudent9:08 PM


    Ah, addressing the voices in his head version of last, not the real one. So desperate to prop up his Hero.
