Friday, March 16, 2012

Not A Good Sign

Voter turnout thus far in the GOP primaries has been very low. In fact, it is lower than 2008 and that is not a good sign for the eventual nominee. A recent report from the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Center for the Study of the American Electorate details the numbers.

Overall, voter turnout so far is 11.5% of the 68.1 million citizens eligible to vote in the 13 states. That's a drop from a 13.2% voter turnout rate in the same states four years ago. 

And there really wasn't that much enthusiasm back then either. But what about the key battleground states? In Florida, 1.6 million people voted in 2012 compared to 1.9 million in the 2008 GOP primaries. In Nevada, the turnout in 2008 was 44,000. This year it was 32,000. That's nearly a 25 percent drop off. And in Colorado voter turnout was down about 7 percent this year in comparison to 2012.

Does this mean good things for the president?


  1. juris imprudent4:42 PM

    Not a good sign? You should be doing cartwheels - your guy is almost a sure bet now for another term. That didn't seem likely 5-6 months back. I just hope the Repubs can hold the House and maybe gain the Senate. Nothing works as well as divided govt.

  2. juris imprudent4:46 PM

    Once again, I leave here only to stumble across an incredibly relevant point. This time about how fucked up the Obama Admin really is on national security. If Bush had even attempted this shit you would all be screaming to the high heavens (and rightly I might add). But Obama actually DOES it and not a peep from you little fuckers.

  3. I just hope the Repubs can hold the House and maybe gain the Senate. Nothing works as well as divided govt.

    And here I thought you hated the Republicans...tsk tsk..

    The question I think you need to ask yourself is how much of a detriment is divided government? I know it thrills you to no end that when the federal government functions improperly but I'm politely asking you to think about the downside of divided government. What might happen?

  4. GuardDuck3:43 PM

    What might happen?

    Absolutely nothing - hopefully.

  5. juris imprudent4:26 PM

    And here I thought you hated the Republicans...tsk tsk..

    I do. If there were a better alternative I'd be all for it. From what I've seen, keeping power split between Executive and Legislature by party is about the best to hope for. As opposed to ambitions of midget-minded partisan hacks.
