Wednesday, June 27, 2012


  1. 6Kings8:55 AM

    I don't get much of Reagan's adoration either except he completely revamped the military and provided a much needed boost in American pride. That I do remember but his domestic policies...meh.

    Increased Taxes from 517 Billion to 999 Billion

    Uh, that was tax receipts..great deception in that one. As a share of the economy (the fairest measure), Reagan did cut taxes, from 19.6 percent to 18.4 percent.

    Increased Spending from 591 Billion to 1.14 Trillion

    Yep, and that wasn't good. In most cases, spending more than you receive is bad news.

    Increased Fed Deficit from 74 Billion to 141 Billion

    Addressed above. And how quaint...Annual deficits under a Trillion Dollars! That hasn't happened in 4 years.

    Sold weapons to Iraq to Finance Terrorism in Nicaragua

    Interesting, must be some new scandal never told? Iran Contra is probably more likely and this cartoonist can't even get it right. Regardless, Reagan had some poor judgement calls and this was one of them.

    You need to find better cartoonists!

  2. No doubt that the cartoonist meant Iran but he is technically correct. Reagan did sell weapons to Saddam Hussein and likely used the money to finance the battle against communism in Central America.

  3. juris imprudent5:54 PM

    What is even less understandable than Republican reverence for Reagan is all the progressive love for him.

    Unless I suppose those are all things that progressives love.

  4. -just dave8:20 AM

    Progressives have lots of love for dead & loser Republicans. As long as Mccain is sticking his thumb in the party eye, he's a moderate/maverick but when he's running for office, he's evil. What did the same Democrats that now revere Reagan have to say about him when he was in office?

    Note: did Reagan raise taxes all on his own or was there a deal with congressional Democrats to cut spending along with the tax increases? Whatever happened with that deal?

  5. Reagan was a loser Republican?

    Sure, Reagan cut deals but that was back when the GOP compromised and didn't stomp their feet in adolescent power fantasy mode.
