Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm Shocked, I Tell You, Shocked!

Well, I'm stunned.Truly.

36 percent of very conservative Americans think it's more important to stick to your guns while 37 percent of very liberal Americans think it's more important to compromise. So much for the Cult of Both Sides.

Who are the juveniles again?


  1. Dingo4:13 PM

    That is pretty apparent who are the juveniles.

    Liberals and their ilk are more than happy to sacrifice their shifting 'principles' and hence why they are considered snakes...talking with forked tongues.

    Conservatives want principled stands from their representatives. Even if they are wrong, you at least know what they stand for.

    Slimy, slippery liberals vs principled conservatives....good call there, M. I know what side you stand on.

  2. Left unsaid, obviously, is what beliefs are up for compromise. Some beliefs surely are beyond compromise. And yet, Mark, it turns out that 17% of the Very Conservative think it's more important to compromise, while only 9% of the Very Liberal think sticking to principles is more important. Which seems to suggest that only 9% of the Very Liberal have principles they wouldn't betray for what would effectively amount to 40 pieces of silver or less. As Gomer Pyle used to say, "Surprahz! Surprahz! Surprahz!"

  3. GuardDuck7:57 PM

    A liberal considers it a 'compromise' when mugging someone to 'only' take half of their money.

    A compromise between 'yes' and 'no' is not 'partially yes'. A principled stand against not being raped does not imply that it would be 'better' to 'compromise' and let the rapist just fondle you a bit......

  4. I guess comments are working again for me. Yippee!

    The Republicans have a vested interest in doing nothing right now. Any sort of success is bad news for them in the fall so they will continue with the no compromise tack. Should the president go on to win in the fall and the Democrats hold on to the Senate, they will have to reconsider their strategy.

  5. juris "bully weasel" imprudent9:21 PM

    Ah, so principles are juvenile. Well, that does say quite a lot.
