Monday, June 25, 2012

A Sad Witness

I'm glad Nikto got up a post yesterday as I was too ripped to put anything up after my weekend in Wisconsin for my mom's retirement. Sadly, I was a witness to an old and dear friend (he's 84 years young) complete submission to the Cult.

It didn't take him long to bring up Barack X as he loves to talk politics.

"The biggest problem I have is that Barack Obama is a Muslim," he said with vehemence.
"No, he's not. He went to the same Christian church for over 20 years. Reverend Wright, remember?" I replied.
"Ah, bullshit. He wasn't even born here either. That birth certificate is fake."

I tried to convince him but the facts just bounced off.

And no, he's not an outlier. 


  1. juris imprudent8:34 PM

    He probably believes the SocSec benefits he is getting he earned too.

  2. Well, that's just it. He loves his SS but doesn't stop to think that the party he supports wants to do away with it.

  3. GuardDuck10:50 PM

    Doesn't matter if one party wants it and another doesn't. It's unsustainable and will be gone - sooner or later.

  4. I'm holding you to the prediction, GD, and will expect a full retraction when it gets fixed.

  5. 6Kings8:48 AM

    Why would he have to retract? If it stays as it is, it is gone. It is unsustainable. The Democrats and the left continually push to keep the status quo and the right is trying to find ways to address the unsustainability including reform, benefit changes, hybrid of public private, etc. Seems to me only the Democrats (most and probably not all) are sticking their head in the sand and in complete denial.

  6. GuardDuck5:08 PM

    Retraction when it gets fixed? Huh?

    If it worked it wouldn't need to be fixed.

    If the fix just prolongs the time till it 'breaks' then it is still unsustainable.

    If the fix changes it so that it is sustainable then it no longer exists as designed.

    By you admitting that it needs to be fixed you have negated any need for my to give you a retraction.
