Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Step One: Be A Giant Dick

When 14-year-old boys sound exactly like you do and can produce radio shows and books and speeches that sound exactly like yours, maybe you should rethink the shit that comes out of your mouth. Remember the Republican debates we had this year? They applauded for the idea of letting a sick man without insurance die. Herman Cain got cheers for saying he’d electrify the border fence. They booed a gay man serving his country in the military. No wonder 14-year-old boys can do your act, you act exactly like 14-year-old boys.

There’s no ideology here. It’s just about being a dick.



  1. The most amusing part of the video is Jonathan Krohn speaking at the CPAC convention and his assertions that conservatism is not an ideology based on feelings. WTF???!! It's entirely based on feelings. But nice post nonetheless, Mark, as it is fine example of their adolescent power fantasies. In this case, literally!!

  2. Also, you selfish, greedy, right-wing conservative/libertarian theocracy-supporting fascist commenters know Bill Maher's right about this because when it comes to being a Big Dick, no one's got more experience than Bill Maher!

