Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Love My Wife

Unless you live on a desert island and are completely self sufficient, you are part of our society which is, in fact, a collective. Grow the fuck up.
----Mrs. Markadelphia, last week.


  1. juris imprudent2:08 PM

    Sure we are, just don't mistake govt for society.

    Libertarianism - hell, even anarchism, isn't about living by yourself on an island. It is about how you live with other people.

    If your only theory of social interaction is one based on coercion - I think you have a pretty fucked up view of humanity.

  2. Mark once again demonstrates his utter lack of understanding of what people he disagrees with actually say and believe, as opposed to what he imagines they believe. Yeah, yeah, the quote is supposedly from his wife, but given his history of mis-stating, distorting, and outright lying about what others say, who knows what his wife actually said?

  3. juris imprudent11:14 AM

    I guess liberal orthodoxy holds that people only behave decently when govt is telling them how to do so.
