Saturday, August 18, 2012

Managing Fantasies Indeed

Last in line asked me yesterday if I wanted to go see Dinesh D'Souza's new film about the president. I told him that I would pass (even if he paid for it) and here's the reason why: I'm not going to be a party to the continued population of a fictional world.

The record of the last decade or so suggests that the party these days is animated by two main goals. First, it seeks unchallengeable, absolute power. Its modus operandi for achieving that goal has been to use institutional power—the power of corporations, courts and legislatures—to acquire more institutional power. A recent case is the drive in Republican-dominated states around the country to disenfranchise Democratic-leaning constituencies, such as the poor and minorities, by legislating onerous requirements for voting.

The other goal has been a less familiar one. More and more, Republicans have exhibited a strong desire to take up residence in an imaginary world, an alternate reality—one in which global warming is found to be a fraud perpetrated by the world’s top scientists, Obama turns out to have been born in Kenya and is a Muslim (and a socialist), budgets can be slashed without social pain, firing government employees reduces unemployment, tax cuts for the wealthy replenish government coffers, and so forth. Perhaps it seems odd to identify such an objective as a political goal, but past ideological movements of the left as well as the right offer many examples of the power of such a longing.

There is nothing more dangerous than a very large group of people who refuse to admit error and continue anyway with their meglomaniacal fantasies.

Worse, they seem to slip effortlessly into what I've been calling recently, "Heading Off At The Pass" syndrome. A severely debilitating avoidance reaction, this can take many forms (rest assured, I will be talking about them quite a bit between now and the election). An excellent example of this is Kevin Baker's continued use of the phrase "Do it again, only harder." His complaint is that liberal and progressive ideas have failed and that's why we have all these problems. Liberals want to do more to try to make up for their "failures."

In reality, (not the fictional world in which Kevin, his ilk, and what is now the GOP reside) however, those policies have worked.  Since Social Security first started we've seen our country grow into a massive power in the world. We had massive debt, deficits, high taxes, big government and socialized medicine while we essentially became the financial and cultural hegemenon of the world. We defeated the Nazis, the Communists, and are about to defeat Islamic extremism all with our free market ideals, capitalism, and democracy.

There's no need do any of it again or harder. We've already won.

And by "we," I mean all of us. Of course, people on the right wont't accept this because they can't stand losing an ideological argument (in typical adolescent form). They will have you believe our world is going to end any minute. In a certain sense, THEIR world has ended, in their eyes, because they have been proven wrong.  Their enemy is the truth so they have to invent fiction. Since there is never a shortage of fearful and ignorant people, they have power and here's where the danger comes in.

As the very famous and accurate phrase goes, we hate in others what we fear in ourselves. Yet, it was THEIR policies of deregulation and free market fundamentalism that brought us to the tough economic spot we are in right now. THEY are the ones that want to "Do it again, only harder" because they simply can't stand being wrong or admitting fault.

This is the Romney-Ryan ticket in a nutshell. It's a fantasy world filled with promises of giving failed policies another shot because somehow it was the fault of liberals that they didn't work the first time. I've said this many times and I guess I have to say it again.

The party who champions individual responsibility claims none of it.


  1. juris "bully weasel" imprudent1:29 PM

    I'm not going to be a party to the continued population of a fictional world.


    Sometimes you are really funny - even if you don't intend to be.

  2. juris, you are welcome any time to back up that statement with facts. Good luck!

  3. juris imprudent3:33 PM

    you are welcome any time to back up that statement with fact

    LMAO - you are on FIRE!

    Sorry I'm easily amused right now, vacation starts next week.

  4. GuardDuck10:26 PM

    Last week you admitted we had to cut the debt, now again you are dismissing it. It would be nice if you could make up your mind.

  5. Haplo910:52 PM

    I think I've read about 10 posts by Mark with this exact same theme. We get it Mark. It's really important to your ego to believe that those other guys are living in a fantasy world and you are reality based. There's no need to keep repeating yourself.

  6. GuardDuck11:28 PM

    I think I've read about 10 posts by Mark with this exact same theme

    But don't you dare anticipate his reaction - that's apparently 'heading him off at the pass' and it's for some reason a bad thing.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Yet, it was THEIR policies of deregulation and free market fundamentalism that brought us to the tough economic spot we are in right now.

    This isn't and has never been true. No wonder you keep repeating the same crap over and over. You can't learn and have some defense mechanism that rationalizes your positions. You epitomize SM's mantra "Do it again, only harder".

  8. Having trouble delineating between short term and long term policy, GD?

  9. GuardDuck9:20 PM

    You calling seventy years of debt short term? Or you think a little bit of short term budget cutting is going to fix it?

  10. What do you mean by "70 years of debt?"

  11. GuardDuck11:32 PM


    Are you seriously asking that question?

  12. I'm wondering if you're talking about the past or the future.
