Monday, January 07, 2013

Uh Oh

Looks like the rats are leaving the sinking ship. I guess they got tired of all the wrong information put out there on a daily basis.

What amazes me most about this is how the Right really hates losers. Everything is about winning for them and, if you don't, they have no time for you at all.

Sour, sour grapes...


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I guess they got tired of all the wrong information put out there on a daily basis.

    Well, you democraps and left leaning morons never do.

  2. I don't watch any TV news, much less Babble TV like Hannity, so I'm wondering why Hannity's results are so different from everyone else's.

    Are people disgusted that he was so wrong, or because they think he intentionally lied, or now that the election is over there's no point in watching Republican pep rallies when no one is running?

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I don't know how people can watch them, especially O'Reilly. They are just boring as heck and exasperating to try to get any real substance. The left pundits are horrific. I can't even get through 5 min without hearing lies - outright or by omission. Media is in a bad state. Even Pravda has a better take than msnbc which is pretty sad.

  4. I find it ironic that Pravda is a fave these days of the Right. It's almost as if they are playing to you guys...

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I find it funny that nobody said that but you think it is a 'fave' of the 'Right'. And still MSNBC is the king of lies and propaganda.

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Shhhh… The Voices In His Head™ are speaking again. He can't hear them if he takes time to actually listen to us.

    I wonder how Al Gore selling his channel to Al Jazeera plays in Marxy's head.

  7. I think it means "They's a comin'", NMN. Better fortify that bunker of yours!

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    "They's a comin'"

    That's a great quote to use Mark.

    Let's explore your past use of it.

    You've used it many, many times over the last four years to poke fun at the rights supposed paranoia regarding Obama and the lefts desire to enact gun control. You dismissed with scorn the now VINDICATED concerns of the right in that case.

    Yet you see no disconnect when you continue to use that same old tired and, at least in this case, dis-proven disparagement.

  9. Now vindicated? All he has done is thrown out ideas. Until anything is passed, there is no vindication...unless certain types of speech is now to be outlawed:)

    Had there not been as many spree shooting this year, ending with a particularly awful one, there would be no need to address this problem. But there has been so we need to change our policies. Throwing up your hands and saying there's nothing we can do isn't a solution. Arming more people isn't a solution. Solely looking at guns isn't a solution.

    The way I see it, you guys have a choice after Sandy Hook. Be part of the solution or part of the problem. So far, you have chosen the latter. You have chosen...poorly.

  10. Anonymous4:15 PM

    You said O and the Dem WERE NOT going to try to pass gun control.

    You said that while ridiculing people for buying guns.

    Are you maintaining that O and the Dems are not currently attempting to pass gun control laws?

    And just for information to the chronically obtuse - it kinda hard to buy a gun AFTER the gun has been banned, so waiting until AFTER any potential law has been passed to buy it is a fucking stupid idea.

    They's commin' to get 'em - future tense.

    They's done and got 'em already - past tense.

    Which one of those most accurately portrays a situation in which the LAW WAS ALREADY PASSED?

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Solely looking at guns isn't a solution.

    Then why do you talk to some of the idiots of your party and let them know this?

  12. Are you maintaining that O and the Dems are not currently attempting to pass gun control laws?

    Ah, so now it's "attempting" now. I'm saying they had no desire before but now things have changed. I'm certain that inside the bubble this was a secret plot all along, right? Maybe the president was behind the killings!

    I could say that the president has no real desire today to invade North Korea. Tomorrow, North Korea could bomb South Korea. Then, the president says we are going to invade North Korea. I guess the fluidity of the world makes me a "liar."

    Change, GD. Get used to it.

    Then why do you talk to some of the idiots of your party and let them know this?

    They are already doing this. More on that tomorrow.

  13. I'm saying they had no desire before but now things have changed.

    So you are an idiot rather than a liar. I mean, if that really is what you believe. It is hard to tell with you.

    I'm certain that inside the bubble this was a secret plot all along, right?

    I don't think the left-wing desire for gun control was much of a secret. You just denied it existed. I guess ideas, like words, only mean what you want them to mean, in that moment only. Then things change.

  14. I guess the fluidity of the world makes me a "liar."

    No, you manage to do it without anyone's help.

  15. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Ah, so now it's "attempting" now. I'm saying they had no desire before but now things have changed.

    Here is what Obama said back in 2008:

    "When you all go home and you're talking to your buddies and you say, ah 'He wants to take my gun away.' You've heard it here, I'm on television so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people's lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away."

    You swore up and down that he meant it. How are his current actions not a direct contradiction?
