Friday, February 15, 2013


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    And the ones calling for gun bans are the only ones professional enough to handle a gun. (Watch Feinstein handling a gun at a news conference. She is literally dangerous.)

  2. Did she shoot anyone in the face?

  3. Anonymous6:10 PM

    If it weren't for someone being more careful than that DEA agent in ensuring the guns she handled were unloaded, then she very well might have.

    You can try an experiment. Go to a gun range and handle an unloaded gun like Feinstein has. (Finger on the trigger. Pointing it at people. etc.) See what happens. Even without shooting someone, you'll be lucky if you only get ejected from the range.

    But you consider us to be the "unprofessional" ones.

  4. Cheney also says he supports Obama's drone policy.

    Sleep with dogs...

  5. But you consider us to be the "unprofessional" ones.

    Diane Feinstein "might well have shot someone in the face."

    Dick Cheney shot someone in the face.

    The End.

  6. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Rule one of gun safety - all guns are loaded.

    The end.

  7. If hunting accidents were all we had to be concerned with in this country there wouldn't any discussion about gun control or gun violence or any other progtard bullshit about guns.
