Thursday, February 07, 2013


  1. So, four years from now when there is a Republican President, you will have absolutely no complaints about him (or her) using the powers that Obama has arrogated to the Executive?

  2. It depends on who that Republican is and how competent they are. If they are a Democrat and incompetent and/or corrupt (LBJ), I'd have the same problem with them that I did with Bush.

    Incidentally, I doubt there will be a Republican president in 4 years the way they are going these days. If Hillary runs, you can pretty much call it.

  3. Why can't you just be honest? Name the Republican you would trust with all this power.

    Hillary will turn 69 before the next election. No, she won't just win it, but you keep fantasizing.

  4. Anonymous8:14 AM

    If they are a Democrat and incompetent and/or corrupt (LBJ), I'd have the same problem with them that I did with Bush.

    Huh? You don't have a problem with the Democrat incompetent and corruption rampant in the Obama admin? Weird...kind of like you really have no principles or something.

  5. I'd trust Chris Christie and would probably vote for him if he ran against someone who was far left like Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich.

  6. LMFAO - wow, you had to really stretch there to make sure Christie was acceptable - against an avowed Socialist or a fruitcake.

    That you would name one Republican - conditionally - speaks to what a miserable partisan hack you are. Now the funny part, I don't trust ANY Republican with this power - just like I don't trust any Democrat including the Obamessiah.

  7. Well, you asked me to name one but there are plenty more to consider. I'd trust Richard Lugar, Tom Coburn, Kelly Ayotte, Colin Powell, John Thune or Jon Hunstman. It's really an issue of competence with me, not party affiliation. I can't help it if most of the people in the GOP are incompetent.
