Thursday, February 21, 2013

They'll Never Back Down From Fiction

The last few years have seen me shocked and amazed at the lies the Right will believe. I suppose they have to because they have nothing else left. Of course, being pompous, stubborn and filled with biblical levels of pride works against them constantly. The recent flap over Chuck Hagel and the Friends of Hamas show that they completed their descent into utter madness and are now incapable of distinguishing reality from fiction.

The whole thing started with the New York Daily News’ Dan Friedman.

On Feb. 6, I called a Republican aide on Capitol Hill with a question: Did Hagel’s Senate critics know of controversial groups that he had addressed? Hagel was in hot water for alleged hostility to Israel. So, I asked my source, had Hagel given a speech to, say, the “Junior League of Hezbollah, in France”? And: What about “Friends of Hamas”? 

The names were so over-the-top, so linked to terrorism in the Middle East, that it was clear I was talking hypothetically and hyperbolically. No one could take seriously the idea that organizations with those names existed — let alone that a former senator would speak to them. 

 Or so I thought.

The next day, the right wing blogsphere, hyper focused on trying to "win" on something, exploded. Ben Shaprio at Brietbart put out a story that Chuck Hagel spoke at a Friends of Hamas event and got 25,000 dollars. When it came out that Friends of Hamas did not exist, Shapiro said the following.

The story as reported is correct. Whether the information I was given by the source is correct I am not sure.

Uh....huh? Talk about Newspeak! But this is illustrative of a much larger problem.

The Right is filled with such a titanic level of hubris that they simply can't admit when they get something wrong. There is no such organization as "Friends of Hamas" in reality but, inside the bubble, somehow, there is such a group and, by gum, Chuck Hagel spoke at their event because we want to WIN DAMMIT!!!

Of course, it doesn't stop there. Now Shapiro and the rest of the asshats at Brietbart are attacking anyone trying to get them to admit their mistake. Hmm...sounds awfully familiar...:) And he and the rest of his merry band are doing the "just release all the records" dance like the good little liars that they are.

Oh well. I guess I can't take comfort in the fact that if this sort of insanity continues, we'll take back the House in 2014.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    We're so obviously disconnected from reality that even the White House is disappointed in his performance:

    The reviews are in for Chuck Hagel’s appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee. If he were a Broadway play, as opposed to a mere nominee for Defense Secretary, Hagel would close after one performance.

    The Obama administration was not amused. White House officials told CBS’ Major Garrett that they were disappointed with Hagel’s performance. Indeed, one Obama staffer described Hagel’s testimony on Iran as “somewhere between baffling and incomprehensible.”

    This is an unusual reaction, to say the least. As veteran reporter Bob Schieffer noted, when a nominee comes under fire during a hearing, “the White House typically will come back and stoutly defend the guy.” But yesterday this White House “started leaking all these reports, they’re disappointed.” “I’ve never seen a White House react quite the way they did to this,” Schieffer added.

    (Be sure to check the links.)

    If reality is so obvious that even many on the left—and even the White House—are thinking that maybe his nomination wasn't such a great idea, then maybe we're not the ones disconnected from reality. That would be the guy (Markadelphia) who is trying to deny the obvious.


    Simple questions Mark refuses to answer:

    Is the Constitution law? (43 days and counting)

    Is "false" equal to "truth"? (5 days and counting)

    Bonus question:

    Why would an uninsured person going to the ER cause insurance rates to go up? (3 days and counting)

  2. Why don't you post Hagels qualifications for the job Markadelphia instead of constantly talking about the republicans all the time. He was sent to washington by folks from Hicksville, USA in your eyes.

  3. Somewhere in the WH is the Rovian character who dreamed up this nomination - cackling as his carefully crafted plot winds its way to fruition.

  4. I really wish somebody would have something to say worth debating. People really need to do independent research on Mr. Hagel and they will find some pretty remarkable facts. Far more than any idiot on this blog including me. This is a guy we should be proud of to have as our Secretary of Defense. M-del, the people that comment on your blog are pretty disgusting. I would guess they are white males between the ages of 35-65 and live in their parents basement. I would also assume they have done nothing for advancing society in a holistic and balanced approach. Its not even a left or right thing its about being honest and truthful with who you are as a person. I would personally respect people if they would just come out and say they hate people or situations instead hiding behind a fictional fairytale.

  5. Better, BubbaT. You don't set of the plagiarism bells with that post, but the slurp-slurp-slurp of your tongue bath of the host is somewhat nauseating to read.

    Hagel's always struck me as a fool, as an example of why this nation NEEDS Affirmative Action for the Stupid. It's long past time that in this great country, a truly stupid person couldn't hope to rise merely to the level of US Senator. And Barack Obama is the man helping to break that barrier. Just look what he did for Joe Biden, fer cryin' out loud!

  6. I would guess...

    Which makes you as wrong about that as you appear to be about everything else.

    Nice try M at creating a Redneck mouthbreather liberal. It would be funnier for someone like me to create that kind of sockpuppet.

  7. Well, juris, I hate to disappoint you but Bubba T is a real person and soon to be author on this blog:) His first post will be on Chuck Hagel.

    Bubba, you have to have some empathy for the Right. They desperately need a victory. It's been a hard couple of years for them and anything, no matter how small, would nice for them, no?

  8. Anonymous12:21 PM

    How perfect is that? Mark can't back up his claims or answer our arguments, so he adds "help" in the form of a guy whose idea of truth is "false's become truth's"! Can you think of a better demonstration of Mark's reckless disregard for the truth?


    Simple questions Mark refuses to answer:

    Is the Constitution law? (44 days and counting)

    Is "false" equal to "truth"? (6 days and counting)

    Bonus question:

    Why would an uninsured person going to the ER cause insurance rates to go up? (4 days and counting)

  9. Well, juris, I hate to disappoint you but Bubba T is a real person and soon to be author on this blog:)

    No one thinks Bubba isn't a real person. Moron.

  10. Wow! I just made my point from the responses I see. You folks are so silly its childish. Why are you all so upset and pissed off at the world?

  11. My view is that they have some really awful shit happening in their lives-some of which is beyond their control-so they blame liberals and people like me and you, Bubba. It can't possibly be anything THEY are doing!

  12. Well, juris, I hate to disappoint you but Bubba T is a real person

    Just like all of Jeff Dunham's creations.

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    My view is that they have some really awful shit happening in their lives-some of which is beyond their control-so they blame liberals and people like me and you, Bubba.


    Bulverism is a logical fallacy in which, rather than proving that an argument in favour of an opinion is wrong, a person instead assumes that the opinion is wrong, and then goes on to explain why the other person held it. It is essentially a circumstantial ad hominem argument.

    Yep, a pure unadulterated example of Bulverism.

    Fallacy: unsound, erroneous, misleading, deceptive, FALSE.

    Is "false" equal to "truth"? (7 days and counting)


    Given the following…

    This first part of the 2nd Amendment establishes the intention to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, and locally enforce the law.

    and this…

    10 USC § 311 - Militia: composition and classes

    (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

    (b) The classes of the militia are—

    (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

    (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

    … how is the militia supposed to "repel invasion, suppress insurrection" and prevent "representatives of the people [from] betray[ing] their constituents" (Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper 28) if you have taken away the weapons they need to succeed at those purposes? (30 days and counting)
