Wednesday, March 06, 2013


Gun advocates split with NRA on background checks

For example, the founder of the pro-gun Second Amendment Foundation tentatively backed a proposed compromise bill in Washington state last month that would expand checks while limiting state firearms record-keeping. 

In addition, the head of the nation’s largest police union, which was allied with the NRA in a major legislative battle in the past, has joined the movement for expanded background checks.

Finally, some sane people that recognize that federal law already prohibits a national registry so universal background checks will not lead immediately to an "in the bubble" Germany, 1933.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Of course that's not what was being said, here or elsewhere. But you don't listen, so you wouldn't know that.

  2. And of course M doesn't understand that a state may exercise a general police power but the feds may not.

    Or perhaps he does understand that and just doesn't fucking care - at least as long as the abuse is for something he supports. No doubt he would care greatly and talk up a storm if such a rationale were advanced against one of his policy preferences.
