Monday, March 18, 2013


It will never cease to amaze me how easily the NRA fools people into thinking they are a defender of Second Amendment rights. They're a defender, alright, of the gun manufacturing business. The clip below sums up it all up quite nicely.

Stunning that people think it's about freedom. It's not.


  1. Oh poor M, your cheese really has done slid right off your cracker.

  2. "The National Rifle Association goes to great lengths (and spends a huge sum of money) to defend the right to bear arms. It is opposed to virtually every form of gun control, including restrictions on owning assault weapons, retention of databases of gun purchases, and registration of firearms."

    "NRA’s influence is felt not only through campaign contributions, but through millions of dollars in off-the-books spending on issue ads and the like. Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the NRA supported proposals to arm airline pilots with guns. In each of the years 2011 and 2012, the NRA spent nearly $3 million on federal-level lobbying efforts. During the 2012 election cycle, the group laid out more than $25 million on ads primarily supporting Republican candidates or opposing Democratic ones. The majority of that money was used to attack President Obama or to support GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney".

  3. "your cheese really has done slid right off your cracker" funny thats coming from a guy who needs a picture of himself shooting a gun for his blog profile. LOL

  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Wait - people who want to be able to access guns spend years fighting off attacks from anti-freedom assholes. Said anti-freedom assholes at some point come up with the chicken shit idea to go after the people who make the guns. People who want guns see said slimy bullshit attack up with the like minded people. This shocks and surprises you?

    Best part of your stupid fucking link is the money shot. The part that ties the whole bullshit story together. Let's look at it:

    AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about how the NRA’s positions increased gun sales for the NRA’s patrons, the weapons manufacturers?

    PETER STONE: Well, it’s anecdotal,...

    Wait! What?!? Your whole fucking story hinges on this and all you got is anecdotal bullshit? Awesome! Was this fucking story written by Nikto and edited by Mark? Jesus, I bet the fucking deep throat informant was Bubba T as well. You morons think this is some hard hitting expose or something?

    As for this bit:

    And they came up with a plan to obtain a liability shield for gun manufacturers and distributors. It’s the only industry in the country that was able to secure such a shield from most litigation. The NRA pushed it very hard for a few years, and it passed Congress in 2005, providing unique protection to gun manufacturers.

    As I replied to Nikto's bullshit comment in an earlier thread about the product liability bill:

    The purpose of the act is to prevent firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable for negligence when crimes have been committed with their products. However, both manufacturers and dealers can still be held liable for damages resulting from defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct, and other actions for which they are directly responsible.

    Specifically, from the text of the law:

    shall not include--

    ...(v) an action for death, physical injuries or property damage resulting directly from a defect in design or manufacture of the product, when used as intended or in a reasonably foreseeable manner, ...

    Why don't you fucking assholes sue Boeing and Airbus for their planes crashing into buildings? What? Distasteful? No shit moron.

  5. funny thats coming from a guy who needs a picture of himself shooting a gun for his blog profile.

    Oh, does that make you nervous? Funny that you claim to be a hunter. Even funnier how your previous profile picture was all about "your junk".
